Laters from Gay Dave

Gay Dave sent me this, and I assume that its for you readers who somehow feel sad about losing him or consider yourself Gay Dave fans (known as Daveaholics). It's not very long, which means it wasn't much work for me to do to code it, which is why I got around to it so quickly. Heh, quickly as in I got it in the mail like 3 days ago.

--Foreward by Scuba Steve

for all my beloved readers...and fans..... a personal note....i want to thank the many fans that i had your voice heard and it still is beong heard today at this very minute...i may have left the wonderful land of Cedarville, but i am never far i leave you with this....never let anyone tell you that you cant be gay.. and keep representin...and remember jesus loves you and so does dave

Gay Dave

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