Siamese Gummi Bear

Ok, where to begin, well it is currently 2 am and I should be sleeping. I am very tired. Do you want to know why i m not sleeping? I will tell you why if what to know or know so just say that you waht to know cuz you are gonna hear it either way, so take that. I am not sleeping because i found a SIAMESE GUMMY BEAR!!!! i need to get a camaera to take a picture but i will never eat it because it a siamese gummy bear and i don't know what would happen if a ate it, it would probably taste good tho. Since i have no a camarea i will draw a picture for you!!! you should be happy for this!!@!

LOOK AT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My goodness you cannot escape the danger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know who is to blame for the deformity??!?!???? WALMART the evil empire itself

it's a goddamn conspiracy, radioactive nuclear gummi bears who just happen to be SIAMESESSS!!!! They are gonna take of the world. Them and the robot dogs. Oooooohh don't get me started on the robot dogs, they are the aliens secret way of getting into our homes, the robot dogs and iron chef, iron chef cannot be real, have you ever seen it? Only some thing from not on this planet could come with something that bad yet oh so wonderful good to watch. It just doesnt make sense

number one: siamese gummi bears

number two: rampant supply of robot dogs

number three: iron chef

if that doesnt spell apocalypse then i what does??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!/

-devNul, 12/9/2000
[email protected]
AolIM - Raditzu73


This proves it ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!~~!!!!


-devNul, 12/10/2000
[email protected]
AolIM - Raditzu73

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