Name: Tony

Web Name: KRANK

Homepage: None (i will leech of scuba for as long as possible)

E-mail: [email protected]

Favorite Drink: sorry scuba....Sobe(oolong tea)

Hobbies: paintball, []D[][\/][]D[][\] (that means pimpin), games, movies, anime, surfing the web

Personal history:
Krank...a man with many faces. Krank was born in a military confinment camp in the 1980's. Raised to be a killer, he found himself dreaming of doing great things someday. He did many missions for the fbi, cia, and qvc(yeah i sold stuff). Finally KRANK got away from the military life to become a pimp. Pimping was hard at first, but like most things started to become second nature. Now KRANK is enjoy his life with his pimp cash and curently runs 10 of the greatest paintball fields on earth.

Weapon of choice: []D[][\/][]D[][\] CANE

Super Powers: super human paintball skills, able to pimp in a single leap. Looks better then scuba in drag!!


Pupose at SSVITU: Writer/Lacky/Bitch

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