There's a Reason This Stuff's Legal...

don't try this at home..and yes, i am THAT stupid looking
More bounce to the ounce???

Well ok, what was I to expect? There's a reason why this shit isn't being dealt on the streets. Why did I have my hopes so high? Oh I dunno, I guess I should have taken the website for what it ad to sell you crap. And we all know how reliable ads are, don't we?

What am I talking about? This ounce of dog shit my roommate got in the mail last week. Technically it's called "Wacky Weed", but the only thing wacky about it is that we paid 20 dollars for it. (we split the cost between us) Yes folks, this stuff sucks, so take heed of my words and do not ever waste your money on these "herbal" alternatives. (everyone probably already knew that, and my roommate and I are probably the only one's dumb enough to purchase such ass trash)

It all began innocently enough. I was bored and really sober. Ever since an "incident", in which "things" happened, I've been too scared to do "stuff" in my room here at college. In need of a good high, I was browsing this site and low and behold there is this advertisment for legal alternatives to weed. I thought to myself, "yeah right, I bet this shit's gonna be great.." and clicked on the pic. I scroll down through all the things they have to offer and read each description: relaxing blend, mild relaxing blend, extreme relaxing blend. Oh boy, sounds great doesn't it? Well at the very bottom of the list there is a product who's description differs from all the rest. This one promised a "stoned feeling" and was labeled as "THE BOMB". For some reason this got my hopes up higher than Robert Downey Jr. on a weekday. This stuff was being sold at 20 dollars and ounce. The first thing that popped into my mind was, "wow! stoned, on legal stuff? at 20 dollars an ounce??!?! yahtaa!" and I immediately coaxed Dev Nul into using his credit card and going havsies (i think i made that word up) with me on this shiz. The fact that this shit is legal and is being sold at 20 bucks an ounce should have been warning enough, but I guess I'm a hopeless romantic. -_-

In case your wodering what this stuff is called, it's "Wacky Weed". See the clever use of words here? They want you to think that this "weed" is just like marijuana, and in turn leave you in a state of "wackiness". Oh my, if only words could get you high. Always the idiot, Dev Nul ha seemed to lost the tag which tells you what Wacky Weed is made of. All I can remember is that it has some of this salvia shit that I was reading about on the 'net (l33t people like me use inside lingo like "the 'net"), and salvia is supposed to take me on magical journeys through time or whatever. So as I stated, hopes were high. (how many times can i get away with using the word "high" in this article?)

With anticipation, we waited for 3 days. When it finally came I nearly danced with glee. The bag was so huge and so full. I could not wait to smoke this shit. Welp, about a week later and a week wiser, I have come to the conclusion that there just is no substitute for the real deal. So save your money ladies and gents, and keep your dealer's number on speed dial (I lost my guy's number :( ), 'cus (shorthand for the annoyingly long word "because", again you gots to be in the know) I know, and you know, that you'll be needing it in the near future. 'Till (more "in the know tech talk") then, maybe I can get Scubba to stop finally being a sissy and enjoy a smoke with me.


-- The Shinigami, December 13, 2000 (3 days in the making, and it still sucked this |__________| much!)
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