
Name: Vanessa

Web Name: lerah

Homepage: none

E-mail: [email protected]

Favorite Drink: sobe karma and lipton's raspberry tea

Hobbies: singing, killing innocent people in the name of communism, playing the flute, pyrotechnics,saving the world from small 3rd world countries

Personal history:
i was born on a table, in the alaskian tundra. When my parents died in a tragic drilling accident, when i was ten. I raised my six younger sisters. we migrated across the continent as migrant workers, until we finally settled in rural south central pennslyvania. Where i found my true call as a sniper in a anti-government commune.

Weapon of choice: Super magnum/Blaser R93

Super Powers: raging feminism, and incoherency ( the ability or th inablitiy to grasp what's going on)

Quote: "men suck, and then they ask 'hey, wanna buy a spatula?'"

Purpose at SSVITU: to add a female touch that has been lacking since dave left.

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