Links to Stuff

Scuba Steve Is GODLIKE!
This is another webpage started by me as an assignment for class. It's dedicated solely to me and how incredibly wonderful I am. Definately a good read.
The hompage of devNul and Shinigami, since they stopped writing for me, full of webcams and completely lacking in content. I like it.

This site is like mine except better. I try to emulate it.
While disgusting and crude at times, I think stile is a funny guy. Even if he does cater to the lowest common denominator. So do I. Not for the weak at heart or the morally overzealous.
This is a good place to hear about stuff important to all of us internet junkies. Or to kill time. You know, whatever.

Jack Chick Publications
While not meant to be funny, Jack Chicks religious ideas sometimes make me laugh hysterically. Try reading some of his tracts. Funny stuff.

Am I Hot or Not
Hah. I can sit for hours and make fun of the huge number of people who are so shallow that they need to put their picture on the internet and get approval from others to think they are good looking. Its especially fun to give people low scores for no reason.

Am I Goth or Not
Like "Am I Hot or Not" but these people are goths that need the approval of others. I give them all 1's. Shallow, shallow people...


Professor Ashfield Online
Comic about a mad scientist. I think that's what he's supposed to be. I linked to it, so it must be funny.

Angst Technology
Daily strip about working in an office. If I like it, you should automatically like it as well.

Penny Arcade
This one is almost constantly about playing video games. You can see why I like it. One of the funniest comics I read.

This is the funniest comic I read. Its about religion and pimpin. And sometimes even other stuff. I recommend it.

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