
Name: Mike

Webname: webwhat?

Email: [email protected]

Things he does: downloads, anime, video games, Wendy�s, theft of government property, guitar, movies, music, Coke, writing for this site, public nudity, eating, sleeping, stuff, Aly

Things he doesn�t: organized religion, kill people (as far as you know), a job, like creed, McDonalds, Pepsi, men

Bands: Rage, Radiohead, They Might be Giants

Personal history:
Mike Khan or Genghis Khan, Mandarin Che'ng-chi-mike-han, 1167?-1227, Mongol conqueror, originally named Michael Khan. He succeeded his father, Shao Khan, as chieftain of a Mongol tribe and then fought to become ruler of a Mongol confederacy. After subjugating many tribes of Mongolia and establishing his capital at Karakorum, Mike Khan held (1206) a great meeting, the khuriltai, at which he accepted leadership of the Mongols and assumed his title. He promulgated a code of conduct and reorganized his armies. He attacked (1213) the Jurchen-ruled Chin empire of North China and by 1215 had occupied most of its territory, including the capital, Yenching (now Beijing). From 1218 to 1224 he conquered Turkistan, Transoxania, and Afghanistan and raided Persia and E Europe to the Dnieper River. Mike Khan ruled one of the greatest land empires the world has ever known. He died while campaigning against the Jurchen, and his vast domains were divided among his sons and grandsons. His wars were marked by ruthless carnage, but Mike Khan was a brilliant ruler and military leader. Harold Khan was said to be descended from him.

Weapon of Choice: Board with a nail in it

Superpowers: idiocy, super-Mongol, invisibility (what? You can�t see me!)

Quote: Kill...[and later] the children. --George W. Bush. Makes you think, doesn�t it?

Purpose at SSVITU: hitman, personal secretary, treasurer, maid, cook, and still no salary. What the shit is that?

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