I am a guy. I am not gay (unlike Dave). I was told about this guy BigSexy69CMR by a friend and decided to check out his webpage. If there is a bigger moron on this earth I have yet to see it. Anyway, I decided to make this guy look like an idiot (he does quite a job of it himself, but he doesnt realize it). I needed a plan, a strategy one might say. Then it hit me! If I pretend to be a girl online, and send him a picture that is not me, he might fall for it and want to meet up with me somewhere, when of course noone would show up. Leave him standing there like the big oaf (?) he is. So I created the character of SexyChiq69 to fool his simple mind (with success I might add) The fact that I know the area where he lives helped in my trickery cuz I was able to explain where I was from, with a believable lie.

With this in mind, here is a transcript of the conversation, remember I am NOT gay!

SexEChiq69: hey baby
BigSexy69CMR: sup?
SexEChiq69: i searched for sexy hunk on the internet and found your webpage
SexEChiq69: you are a deliciuos piece of man
BigSexy69CMR: haha, where r u from
SexEChiq69: easton pa
BigSexy69CMR: dope
a-town here
SexEChiq69: you really all those thing the page says?
BigSexy69CMR: pic- didnt u see it
SexEChiq69: oh baby
BigSexy69CMR: how old r u
SexEChiq69: 19
BigSexy69CMR: do u go to college
SexEChiq69: yeah, cedar crest u
BigSexy69CMR: allentown
whats ur name?
SexEChiq69: brianne
SexEChiq69: allentown
SexEChiq69: thats close
BigSexy69CMR: u have a pic?
SexEChiq69: yeah
BigSexy69CMR: can u send
BigSexy69CMR: k, hold on
SexEChiq69: k
SexEChiq69: whaddya think
SexEChiq69: how bout that big guy
BigSexy69CMR: ur hot
SexEChiq69: thank you
BigSexy69CMR: yep yep
SexEChiq69: you are more than hot
BigSexy69CMR: so u have a webcam
SexEChiq69: used too
BigSexy69CMR: awwww
SexEChiq69: it broke like yesterday
BigSexy69CMR: u ever take naughty pics
SexEChiq69: all the time, they got lost too
SexEChiq69: id send them all to you tho

SexEChiq69: you are so sexy
BigSexy69CMR: awww thanx
screw the pics, shud just see it 1st hand
do u have a man?
SexEChiq69: of course not
SexEChiq69: thats why i need you :-)
BigSexy69CMR: o0o0o0o
i see
well how can i be of service
SexEChiq69: well, i have to leave soon, but how would you like to meet?
SexEChiq69: say at the whitehall mall
BigSexy69CMR: lehigh valley is better
SexEChiq69: thats what i mean
BigSexy69CMR: when
SexEChiq69: you name a time
BigSexy69CMR: tomorrow?
SexEChiq69: sure what time?
BigSexy69CMR: i dunno, tomorrow night is my naughty night
SexEChiq69: id like to get naughty
BigSexy69CMR: o0o0o really
how bad?
how about 8:30
SexEChiq69: lets just say, you'll be changed
BigSexy69CMR: o0oo0o
SexEChiq69: 8:30 sounds great! coffee place on second floor sound good?
BigSexy69CMR: which coffee place
whats it called
what if u think i'm ugly there
r we gonna stay there the whole time or go somewhere else
SexEChiq69: i forget, but it right outside the elevator, how bout just at the elevator, top floor
SexEChiq69: whatever you want to do
BigSexy69CMR: k, i know
its up to u
i mean we cant go at it in the mall
SexEChiq69: alright, well i know what i want to end up doing :-).....but until then we shall play it by ear ok?
BigSexy69CMR: k
8:30 coffee
SexEChiq69: right, i cant wait to see you
BigSexy69CMR: cell # is *** ****
in case somethin comes up, k
besides me
SexEChiq69: ya, dont worry, ill make sure nothing comes up

BigSexy69CMR: nighty night
SexEChiq69: naughty night :-)
BigSexy69CMR: shud i be alone?
SexEChiq69: again, up to you, but *wink* *wink* i dont do group
BigSexy69CMR: k, nighty night
sweet dreams
see ya tom.
SexEChiq69: they will be
SexEChiq69: see you then!
BigSexy69CMR signed off at 12:14:27 AM.


I wish I could have had a picture of him standing in the mall. Woulda been classic.

I hope that was as funny to you as it was to me....


[email protected]

AolIM - Raditzu73

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