Mr. Mxyzptlk

Name: Mr. Mxyzptlk

Web Name: also Mr. Mxyzptlk

Homepage: I do not need your silly homepages.

E-mail: I am above "e-mail"

Base of Operations: the 5th dimension

Voice Done by: Gilbert Godfried

Favorite drink: Gin

Hobbies: trying to outsmart Superman, being smart, generalized mischief, allowing my image to be used on webpages for crack.

Personal history:
I have been around since before your insignificant little species was born. I travel to your dimension every now and then to try to outsmart your greatest champions and prove my superiority. Superman managed to outsmart me.... but he was cheating. Scuba Steve didn't outsmart me. He is an idiot. He gave me crack-cocaine in exchange for letting him use my image on his website. Sucka.

Profession: Supervillian

Super Powers: Can do nearly anything

Weapon of Choice: Superior Intellect

Purpose at SSVITU: Mascot. Other than that, nothing.

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