The Greatest Villain of All Time..... is the site's new unofficial mascot.

As is obvious by the title, I have implemented a new site mascot. For those of you who are up on your comic book lore, you know who he is, but for those of you who don�t, and that is a lot of you, I'm guessing, his name is Mr. Mxyzptlk. If you're wondering where I found this freak of nature, look no further than the Man of Steel himself, Superman.

That's right, Mr. Mxyzptlk, the little guy in the picture, actually easily outmatched Superman many times. Superman is no match for Mr. Mxyzptlk, who is in actuality a super being from another dimension. He doesn�t truly want to kill Superman, just compete with him to see who is more clever. Somehow, the big S always manages to outsmart Mr. Mxyzptlk. Apparently he is super smart, too.

Yeah, so he is a super powerful villain from another dimension, but what, you ask, makes him worthy to be my site mascot. Well, there are a number of reasons, which I will outline below.

First off, just look at him. Does he not look like the biggest pansy you have ever seen? And yet, you don�t realize that he can easily destroy Superman. He has cosmic powers greater than all of your favorite superheroes combined. He is ironically powerful. And I love irony. That�s a mark in Mr. Mxyzptlk�s favor.

Secondly, he can fry Superman's molecules at any time. That is one powerful mascot, if he can technically whoop Superman down. Can the Philly fanatic beat superman? No. can even the almighty WB frog touch the Man of Steel? Not even close. But here at ssvitu our mascot can lay the smack down on the most powerful superhero ever. Now that's a mascot.

Next, he lives in an alternate dimension where he cohabitates with his woman, the shapely Gsptlsnz. Any guy that looks like this and gets a woman like that is either really lucky or really awesome. And since he gets beat by Superman as much as he does, we're going to assume it's not luck.

Lastly, and most important, he has the stupidest super weakness of anyone. Ever. If Mr. Mxyzptlk says his own name backwards he is transported back to his home dimension, where he is then trapped for three months.

Yes, I know what you're thinking. If he says kltpzyxm he is banished from earth for three months. Now you would think this would be virtually an impossibility. I mean, I've never said kltpzyxm, except in the few conversations I have had about Mr. Mxyzptlk. It would be easy for him to avoid this, considering the huge amount of effort it takes even to attempt to pronounce this hideous word. And yet, it happens to Mr. Mxyzptlk on almost a daily basis. Now that is a super weakness. None of that yellow stuff crap or kryptonite bull.

So now that I�ve explained to you exactly who and what the little bald guy is, I am going to leave you with an important piece of advice - never say your own name backwards. You might be transported to another dimension. I know if I say evets abucs..... oh shoot. [poof!]

--Scuba Steve, November 2, 2000

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