Hi all, I'm a new writer, KRANK and long time friend to Scuba Steve. I'm going to talk about paintball.

Paintball is a great sport, but very expensive (as many other sports are but I'm using paintball cause I like it) so if you don't have money like me there are many ways to get around it. Here is a list that I created myself.

1. Get some rich friends, preferable ones who like the expensive sport and aren't afraid to show that they are wealth.

2. Mooch off your parents: "but no KRANK, its not nice to mooch off your parents." Well damn it they had you so make um pay.

3. Find loopholes such as: "Dad I need some money for shoes can I have 60 bucks?" Always ask for twenty or more dollars extra, and then buy cheaper shoes. This works, TRUST ME.

4. For people that are not actually lazy get a job (This does not apply for me for I am very lazy, Scuba has taught me well.)

5. This one is my favorite. Become friends with a nerd: "But KRANK nerds aren't cool." Of course not but they also don't have any friends, which mean that they are willing to pay if you are there friend. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

6. Finally just go and play and act like you forgot your wallet. Someone will fill bad and give you money. Then just don't talk to that person for like 5 years and you never have to pay them back.

Well, that's it. It's a sure fire way of getting to play the very expensive sport you love. And it won't cost you a dime.


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