Rocky VS Napster. No, Not Boxing

I had to put this picture of the two flaming american flags up at the start of this article, I think its my favorite picture from this site ever.

Folks, try as I may, I could not get an article devoted to me (Rocky) on this web site for anything. Scuba couldn't find a thing about me to write about. Hard to believe I know, but in a room filled with 2 gay guys (whom have both moved out) an alcholic and the original author of this website you can see why I could be lost in the shuffle. Be that as it may, Scubs assured me if I wrote a "decent" (although I'm not sure what he considers decenct) article, he would surely add me to the site. Seems to me Scubs has never been inhibited by such things as "taste" (as they call it in NY) nonetheless, I will do my best to post an original idea, and one that I'm sure I'm not the only one that will agree with.

Napster. A word that looms in every college dorm room, and ours is certainly no exception. I think it's safe to say most of us have used Napster or a related source at least once, and some of us quite frequently. Seems our government has some sort of problem with Napster. Something about Copyright laws or something in there, but whatever, I have no time for such petty bull. Such activity has left many of us with the same feeling as Cartman in South Park the Movie when caught swearing... "What's the big fuckin' deal, bitch?"

After considering what the supreme rulers of law have to say, I give in a little. Okay, I'll agree, maybe we are stealing. Doesn't bother me any, does it you? In any event, they've got a point. These artist depend on the sales of their music for their livelihood. Which brings me to my first point of arguement.

20 dollars. That's right, if you intend to buy a recently released CD, plan on plopping down about 20 dollars. Hell, in some cases, the older the CD, the more you're going to spend. And how much did that CD actually cost to make? Let us deduct. Ever try burning your own CD? How much did it cost you? Well, if you buy a box of 100 cds, for 30 dollars (which is about what they go for), you're spending about an hour in time, and 30 cents in materials...That's right, if you buy that very same CD from a CD shop, someone just took you for about 19 dollars and 70 cents. Kinda feels like you're one of my recently departed gay roommates doesn't it? Ouch.

That whole burning CD's thing really brings about a good question: What do we burn that ISN't illegal? MP3s, recently declared illegal to burn. Computer games/programs, guess what? Illegal. Movies? Yes those too have copyright laws. Illegal. So then why aren't we going after the companies that make CD burners while we're taking the publics rights away from them? Once in a great while you hear a rumor about someone burning a bunch of songs onto one cd, and making a "Rocky's Greatest hits" CD, but come on, that's just because said mortal doesn't really have a life. Once they've finished making that CD they'll probably lock the doors, crank up the stereo and lay on the bed where they'll fantasise about what they would do if they had a girlfriend lying next to them with that music on. These people really need to find contructive things to do with their violate copyright laws or stealing street signs...

I swear the first time I saw the Napster logo I thought it was a teletubby. Just a gaze into my crack-fed little mind.

This I propose to you ladies and gentlemen. We make a deal with the recording artist alliance. We'll stop using Napster and such programs when every CD is sold in the range of 5 to 10 dollars. I'll stop burning CDs when I can afford to buy all the music I want.

Think about it, 20 dollars isn't a lot to the artist themself. This is evident in the lack of relief we get in viewing them in person. Oh, you mean I didn't mention that? Well folks, planning on going to a concert or two this summer? Think again. If you want an hour and a half of live music in a seat that you more than likely have to watch the band on a "MUSITRON" television, you're going to pay about 50 dollars. 50 dollars! Add to that your travel expenses because they rarely come to your home town, and you're set up for another 100 dollars in addition to that 20 dollar CD you just bought. Sorta feeling more like Gay Dave now are you? Ouch, Ouch...and more Ouch.

This is a Metallica album called Garage, Inc which is made up of all covers. ALL COVERS. And they're worried about people copying...

Let us take the case of Metallica (BOOOOOO!). It's okay, feel the need to puke by the presence of SOLD OUT? Go vomit, we'll be here when you get back.................................................... ...................................................Are you okay now?

Okay, we'll wait ................................................................................................................................Okay good!

Yes folks, the very same bands that encourage fans to trade live recordings are now saying it's gotten out of control! They want more money for those recordings that you spent 100 dollars to get. Where does it end?

You see, while Napster may be taken away some of the rights of the artists, it's also giving a little portion of what is so rightly deserved back to the fans. We're not asking for much. We're asking to be able to hear music. Without us, those recording artists don't make a penny. I think they need to be reminded of that. Ever watch the Grammy's? Remember how the winner's will typically kiss your ass? Well then, allow me to bring you up to speed: "I'd like to thank my Mom, for always being there, my Family for their continued support, ALL THE FANS, BECAUSE WITHOUT YOU NONE OF THIS IS POSSIBLE, and God, for showing me the way." I mean, quite frankly they lie to our faces (not to mention religious figures). I find that unacceptable. Thanking me, and in the same breathe screwing me over on prices! Now I feel like Gay Dave, and I don't like that.

To all of you Napster users morning your lose I suggest using IMESH, GNUTELLA or SCOUR (if it's back up). Email me Scubs with your thoughts on how to correct this diplorable situation. After all, the law protects the consumer as much as the producer, right? HAHAHAHAHA

Simliar to Cartman, I'm reminded of another famous quote when pondering this issue, and I'll leave you with that. When cheated out of money in a poker game by a 7 year old, the pizza delivery man offers this bit of insight in the movie Big Daddy (where Scubs's name came from, ironically enough)


~ROCKY~ March 12, 2001*
pics and captions added for the sake of art by Scuba Steve

* as dated by Scuba, you.... person who doesn't date his writing!
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