Scuba Steve's Guide to Romance

Scuba Steve's Guide to Romance Ah yes, it's Valentines Day. And if you are like I would be if I didn't have a steady girlfriend, you have no date. Why else would you be reading this webpage? Well, don't look so glum, my friend, because I'm gonna teach you everything I know about romance. Have you all verbally retorted to that by saying "Alright, I have 30 seconds" yet? Good, then we begin.

The pictures will outline gift buying. The text is all purpose. I put in these links because I just learned how to do them. Aren't I cool?

Step One--Step Two--Step Three--Step Four--Step Five

Step One, selecting a lady:

12 dead flowers = 1 happy girl.

This can be either the easiest or the most difficult step. It's easy if you just want to find a simple slutly biatch to fuck a few times and get over with it. It's difficult if you try to find someone with whom you will have a long lasting, loving relationship. I already have the latter, and am *VERY* happy with her, but I'm assuming most of my readers don't and would rather the former. Sometimes finding a lady that is cheap is difficult, but rest assured, it is easily possible.

Step Two, Asking her out:

All I'm gonna say about this is that they are called "Double Happiness Snuff Bottles" and I'm not making a judgement as to their contents or use.

Pick up lines are golden. As an example, here are a few I just made up to help all you bachelors out there:

If none of these work, you need to find a more receptive woman. Either that or some better pick up lines.

Step 3, Personal Appearance:

What better way to tell your girl she smells bad.

This is important to some degree at least. When you take a lady out to someplace, you must be dressed accordingly. If its someplace nice, dress, nicely. Wear a jacket and tie to a nice restaurant. This means no fake tuxedo t-shirts, either. And not a plaid jacket, those are for when you want to impress other ladies. If your just taking her to McDonalds, you classy dog you, then more casual dress is acceptible, but the womenfolk usually don't appreciate stains on your clothes that fit any of the following conditions:

Of course, thats why some of us wear Hawiian shirts, nobody can tell if they're stained or not.

Step 4, gift:

Can't think of a gift? Give her your heart. Or the heart of a nearby animal.

Sometimes it's best to give your lady friend a gift. I've outlined some below.

Flowers: Too overused. No woman would appreciate those.

Candy: Bad mistake. If TV has taught me anything, this will make women think that you think they are fat, and then you will get bitched at to no end.

Underwear: Unless you've been together for a long time, or the girl you are with is reasonably easy, giving her underpants usually makes it all the longer before you get to see them on her.

Stuffed Animals: Do not give while saying the following: "I'll stuff something else, later tonight."

Gifts are best when they come from the heart, I guess. Find something your girl's actually into. Or go with the Jewelry, they all love jewelry.

Step #5, the date:

Chocolate and diamonds. The man that invented this is probably getting laid by like three women at once right now.

Be on time. If you are late you will die a horrible horrible death.

Use those "manners" things that your parents always tried to teach you when you were young. I don't really remember most. Here's what I remember:

And that's all the advice I got in my for the moment. Hey, send something to Ask Scuba, SSVITU's Advice Column, if you need any more romantic advice. Seriously, its about time I got some e-mails from someone besides Gay Dave.

Also, I'd like to site years of bad sitcoms about dating for bringing me all the information printed in this piece.

--Scuba Steve, February 14, 2001

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