Scuba Steve

Name: Zack

Web Name: Scuba Steve

Homepage: You're on it, yo.

E-mail: [email protected]

Favorite Drink: Sobe

Hobbies: maintaining this page, other stupid things, crime, making fun of people on

Personal history:
Born in feudal Japan, Zack was kidnapped by a cartel of international panda smugglers when he was very young. After being forced to work for their slave labor, the five year old Zack escaped into the dense jungles of Turkish-Zimbabwe, where he was raised by chimps. They taught him everything, from his now internationally know chimp-style kung-fu to his mad web page programming skills. After leaving the jungle at age 12, he moved to Singapore where he worked many odd jobs such as bouncer and ninja for hire. After securing mafia ties in Singapore, Zack moved to the USA where he adopted the moniker Scuba Steve to avoid media attention. He now prowls the streets of Central Northern Pennsylvania committing crimes by night and maintains this webpage during the day.

Weapon of choice: the Equalizer (his trusty machete)

Super Powers: giant hair, super Samoan, looks good in drag

Quote: "Word."

Purpose at SSVITU: Editor/Writer/Idiot. Mostly idiot.

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