Scuba Savior

Wouldn't it be nice if I was God? Think about it, there would be no hunger, no poverty, no Dave Matthews Band... Yeah, I actually said it would be horrible if I was God too, and I certainly know you all did. I probably have a different reason however, because sometimes I like to imagine exactly what would have gone down if it was me, back in zero AD, instead of Jesus. So sit back and read exactly why you should be glad that I'm not Jesus, as I kick back over a microwave pizza and a Sobe and reminisce.

First off, I would do what I needed to do, but I would definitely have a bit more fun than Jesus reputedly did.

Knowing myself, I would also probably blatantly abuse my miraculous powers to simplify my life.

Plus, I probably would have given a number of much different parables, which, in reality, teach absolutely nothing.

There are more reasons that I should not be God, but I think what is written here should be good enough for me to be excommunicated by the Church, so I'm gonna stop writing. This article has already taken over a day to write after all. What do you expect from me? I'm not Jesus.

--Scuba Steve, May 23, 2001

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