
here I am normalhere i am pissed off. grr....

Name: Andy

Web Name: Shinigami EE

E-mail: [email protected]

Likes: video games, anime, Dead Kennedys, Beastie Boys, funk music, hot sauce, buffalo wings, sleeping, Lipgloss Assassin, something awful, warez, Djarum "clove" cigarettes, various other smokeable things, alcohol

Hates: working, school, being awake, having any sort of responsibility, racists, America's oppressing laws, society, overly religous zelots, political correctness, maybe you?

Personal history:
Growing up in an all black family, Shinigami was introduced to soul music at birth. Having been influenced by popular TV programs like "Soul Train", Shinigami quit school at the tender age of 16 and went to Mo-Town to pursue a recording career. After being rejected by all the major labels for being "excessivly white and rythemless", he decided to get his GED and go to college. Big mistake. Shinigami now resides at the most boring college ever. Everyday his money, intelligence, and youth is being completely wasted. Shinigami someday hopes to make a living out of sleeping.

Weapon of choice: wooden katana

Super Powers: able to produce a "smoke screen" which confuses enemies

Quote: Smoke 'em, if ya got 'em.

Purpose at SSVITU: Sexy contributor. ;P

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