Shinigami vs Drugs and Alcohol

I'll give you a hint, Shinigami doesn't win--Scuba

here's something interesting that u might be able to post as an article maybe

i didn't bother to put in html tags cus that's woman's work (i.e. your job)

i'll talk to u later

peace to your mom,

three day log of intoxication

by shinigami


hello and to day in shinigamos' work shop we play with the fire anjd the man wgk crated such hngs mty nasme in jenninga i and i'm drunk ok"? ood i likr that foood/' cus i'nme drunkl i and i dknow somethingwas/ no noe gaeyt drunk on the scxhoalastic aflorr cus i lisenmjgted to them men abnd said i love that okay? then trhey answered with the paficic ovean over then haqwaiii andi sdaid oke i jump for youtr lovr ok?

i dont knope howe muich moreu vcanje get me kin dfoing things. I help people in alll osrts of iut uatjionrs and we help each tohter cuzx we are there and brotherwer

a brother wgho qwasn't there will give u the more inaxcuirate a peom and eer'kll br drny to cvomisddion yo ,lrsbvr dvhool

i was onmce walking oujt in thje sjunlighjt in mjy head and i was talkiong to lamar and i spkeok e tyo him asboujt hter crazy maddness ad we shouikld not drubnk so mjuch bner we iwklll ok sitr? one its iots sir it is gone to druink on our face with muhcu vadoka going t in rhjsnbowe u bsir u thing u dobne thing i hate u, i want to drbikh the vadkoa in my head to dfrteaj itr in oh the kloking oijyhyr nhte zxcvnmrteij/

day 2 of shinannigans

welp went and smoked today after school, but i didn't have scxhool today cus its saturday. yesterday i was drunk and stoned, so today i'm only stoned. I'm eating cu i'm stoned and have chips. i dont wanna write anymore cus i cant eat them/ itsd only 7:30 pm now. jeremy ius playing everquest. it is very bad and is for stupids. shut up sony and go away. damn monopoly. so dam thirsty for drink. i have a math tutor now, but i still didn't get a drink./ new paragraph time,.

i got a drink of brisk!@!! happy halleluiah. ok buss if wearing off so its not so much fun to type anymore. just really hard. hope to see u again later with more baffunery if i got drunk tonight.

day of the 3rd

weow!@ !@#!
freaking winamp plug in skin things are so rocktacular! jeremy is playing with them and wow. i jyust thought i saw the death land/ its times like this i wish io had food./ i'll male some food later, but for now i do othjer things.

today's topic is the history of the middle east. the middle east statring in isreal with the bitsh of abraham. the king of 1st jews and musilims. jews and christians and musliems all split from jewism to rock out in the mediteranian level of europe. but the jews got hurt by even prodistent chathlics and then hitler came and killed jerusliam with all the jews. aftyert 1000s of years of death. they decided to make a jews ish state in what is now plestyian. this was called zionism. musklem arabs didn't like it and told them to die. bu jewisia new how to knock a few doors down and clobbered syria france, russia,. irag, and egypt in the 6 year war. wow jeremy jsut showed me a cool thingy fro mwinamp agian. go rock

i wish i was in japan. next summer baby, gonig there with a 1 way ticvket. i wanna help them better spak them engrish and sell my used levis to the hip jew crow of teens. then i'll make my fortunes by just being an american and fucknig hot japanese girls cus they ll love american man so u can can them in the ass hole cus u is a an amerioca.

wow, i'm really wanna eat not. so i do ramen. eat eat eat

real time combat screech. i want this game
hot loving action screech
wisdom tooth screech
owling rat dog screech
original king of comedy screech
knock out kiss screech
something of an other thing screech
outstanding applause screech
yummy juice screech
orwen wells scrrech
screech on saved by the bell
thois reminds me of a time i say the dustin diamond (screech) video to teach chess. it was bad
shit i'm trying to cook ,stop making me type

I have no Idea when he wrote this, nor do I know what half of the words are, but I have a soft spot for anything written when you are legally intoxicated. Or stoned off you ass. It's funny when I can't understand a word he says for the whole first paragraph--Scuba

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