Star Trek - the Previous Generation

For those of you who don't know, a new era of television has just emerged. How do I know? Well, there is always one thing that denotates a new era of television dawning, and I have deciphered what it is. Every new generation of TV is brought on by a new "Star Trek" program being created. And lucky for us, this new phoenomenon has been brought about, namely the new show "Enterprise" which was surprisingly enough on the FOX network.

Many websites out there that I have read reviewed this in only a paragraph on Thursday, mainly because the premiere was on Wednesday night. I scoff at this, mainly because I can't review anything in under a paragraph unless I use the Jay Sherman method and just say "It Stinks!" Also, I must point out that I didn't know that it premiered Wednesday, and thus I just saw the 2 hour pilot about 20 minutes ago (You can't blame me, all I ever watch is WWF, Comedy Central, and the Cartoon Network). And to be honest with you, it was pretty good.

I know what youre saying: "Scuba thought it was good? This must be some sort of trick... he must be lying." Well, I must admit, actually liking things is very uncommon for me, but that just means that when I do enjoy something that is just all the more reason for you to check it out - If I like it it MUST be pretty good. And think about what this means - if a new Star Trek ushers in a new era of television, andthe show is actually good, that means in the near future we should have a plethora of good tv shows. Now if only I could predict things accuratly, that might have a chance of happening.

Anyway, a lot of websites review of this show read like this "Yada Yada Yada.... the cast has a good chemistry together.... Yada Yada Yada.... That Vulcan girl is hot and smart, just like 7 of 9.... Yada Yada Yada.... The Theme song sucked." Well, in response I say this: I thought the cast barely interacted with each other in a chemistry-like way at all, T'Pal (or whatever) wasn't that hot, and I didn't see the theme song. So ha. I have come up with my own reasons for enjoying the show, listed below:

So, in conclusion, if you like Star Trek, Scott Bakula, aliens, spaceships, FOX, violence, translators, security officers with southern accents, Vulcans as sex symbols, bad themes songs, time travel, cocaine, a doctor who uses folk remedies on a starship, more aliens, boldly going where no man has gone before, my taste in television, interspecies sex (we both know T'Pal will jump somebody by the end of the season), Scott Bakula, more aliens, phasers, alcohol, Scott Bakula, Sulibon, "When Vulcans Attack," did I say Scott Bakula???, or starship crews that don't incluse Wesley Crusher, you should probably check out Star Trek: Enterprise, which should be on Wednesday night. Come on, it must be okay if even I didn't hate it.

--Scuba Steve, October 2, 2001

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