That's My Bush

Yeah, you heard me, I've decided upon writing yet another TV review, because I know all you Scubamaniacs want some more interesting material to read and I haven't done anything that I want to put down in writing recently... Yeah. As always, I have reviewed something I totally totally hated, and as always, I will cause myself the immense pain of remembering what happened as a way to warn you all to NEVER WATCH THIS SHOW!

Things to put on resume: Southpark-Yes, Orgazmo-Yes, Baseketball-Yes, That's My Bush-Yes, but only if we never want to work again.

That's My Bush is the latest comedic offering by the two guys that came up with South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Even though it was like driving a dagger into my eyeball when I put the word comedic in that last sentence I will continue. That's My Bush is a supposedly humorous take on the president of the United States, George W. Bush. Notice the word supposedly before the word humorous.

Had Stone and Parker made this show first, and then South Park, I seriously doubt anyone would have ever watched South Park in the first place, because the humor in this show is so lacking it hurts me. I laughed once, through the whole half hour the show was on, and the rest of the time I just sat and said aloud "This sucks so bad." Now, I know the two guys that came up with the phrase "Eat penguin shit you ass spelunker!" are capable of being funny and entertaining, so why exactly is this show so not funny? Oh dear sweet lord, how I wish I had an answer to that.

Wow, Clinton got in trouble for getting a BJ on the oval office, but this show makes it look like there was a total anal raping in the white house.

At this point you are undoubtably wondering why exactly I put myself through the torture of watching this show. This is a very good question, one to which I actually do believe I have an answer. First off, I believe that any TV show by people who have already proved themselves very entertaining (especially if they wrote a song called "Shut Your Fucking Face Unclefucker") should be given a half hour's chance. Secondly, with the amount of effort Comedy Central put into advertising, I theoretically could not not watch this show. Every commercial break on Comedy Central for the last three months has contained at least one and in many cases 2 commercials for That's My Bush.

With all the effort they put into the commercials, I thought to myself, "Wow, this shows gonna suck, but I'll watch it anyway." I have witnesses. I told Rocky 4 days before the advent of the show that it would be the worst thing ever televised, and although he believed me, I still watched the damn show. It's amazing how stupid the things I sometimes do are.

I'm an aborted fetus and I am funnier than this entire program!

I only have scattered memories of what happened on the show, because I think I blocked a lot of it out of my mind completely. I know that it was about George W. Bush and his wife trying to have a romantic evening at home, but because of a lack of planning there is also a dinner at the White House that night with pro-life and pro-choice people, whom George W. must unite. There was a butch lesbian and a computer-animated fetus creature arguing. I know it sounds funny in theory, but the execution was lacking.

Oh, this is interesting, I just read online (while looking for cast information, so as to lend credibility to this article), that the real humor in this is supposed to be in the fact that they have taken a common sitcom situation and placed the president and first lady in it. They are in fact parodying sitcoms in general. Again, in theory, this is a very good idea. Too bad the execution was so painfully, assrammingly horrible.

My advertisements do NOT have subliminible messages in them.

In all, I have worked out that watching George W. Bush on C-SPAN is actually much much funnier than this show. I mean, come on, listen to the guy give one speech, and I can almost guarantee he will screw up. In fact, if he heard me saying that he would say "I think you are misunderestimating my speaking ability." I have heard him use that word, and believe me, that ten seconds was funnier than the entire half hour I watched of That's My Bush.

Do yourself a favor and avoid this show. I know it's actually bad, because I am not the only one that hated it. Usually when I'm the only oen that hates something, I don't consider it bad, because let's face it, I hate everything I see and everybody I meet.

In all seriousness, never watch this show. You'll thank me.

--Scuba Steve, April 9, 2001

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