Many Random Thoughts

This post is mainly to make up for not posting yesterday. I realized that not posting yesterday was a huge mistake, because with the number of readers who wanted to vote on my roommate drunkenness I had a huge chance to earn a number of regular readers. I want regular readers, because hits run through my veins instead of blood. Plus, once I get enough readers, I can sell out, put up banners, and make money. Now then I will feel like a real writer.

So, to make up for not posting yesterday, I am just gonna give you a rundown of things that aren't long enough to warrant me writing an entire article about.

First off, you should all buy the new Rage: Against the Machine album, Renegades. I'm even gonna include a link to their page. It is an entire album of covers. And it is still good. Basically, a bunch of songs the way God always intended them to be - played by Rage: Against the Machine.

Nextly, I heard about this a while ago. Get your phone out and call 1-800-888-3999. No, its not a phonesex line. Call it and listen to all the choices. Then choose #7. I did this and laughed for about 5 straight minutes. I still don't understand why they did it, but I don't think I want to.

Here�s some pictures of things that I think are funny:

This is my right eye. I think I burst a blood vessel. It doesn�t hurt, but I should probably seek medical attention.

This is two flaming American flags. Hahahahahaha!

Okay, I just got an idea for a better article than this one. Sadly, I refuse to get rid of this one, because it tells you to buy Rage's album and such.

Before I end this, however, I think I will give you a rundown on the voting from the last article at this time.

He's A Drunk: 59
Not A Drunk: 4

He is not happy about this. I, on the other hand, am incredibly happy. Okay, incredibly amused is more like it, but still.

Off to write about something less constructive now. Sorry that this article wasn't funnier. I think I must have writer's block.

--Scuba Steve, December 6, 2000

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