Urban Myths (Not a cop off of Urban Legends [because it wasn't a very good flick anyway])

Wow that's a long title. Tonight I'm going to learn you about the many strange and mysterious things that happen here at Mansfield (Hey, if Shinigami can blatantly tell you where we live, so can I). And, as an afterthought I am gonna tell you one that I heard from someone else and a bunch that I totally made up. Then, I'm going to poll you all as to which one you think I heard from someone else. Sort of like that show on FOX that got cancelled, but funnier. Wow, that�s good, this is much better than what I originally intended this article to be like.

Ghosts in Cedarcrest

Back in the early 1970's before the Cedarcrest Dorm was built, where it is now was just forest. Back then there were two guys who liked to camp out very often. They did so often, many times where Cedarcrest is now. One night while camping they just disappeared. When Their campsite was found, there bodies were gone, and all that was found was their clothes and lots of blood. Their parents were distraught, and formed trust funds so that the year that these two would have graduated they donated the money to the school that was used to build Cedarcrest. The only stipulation was that in the bricks of each floor somewhere an article of clothing belonging to each of the boys would be placed. So anyone in Cedarcrest could theoretically be right next to some murdered kid's jock strap. Their ghosts supposedly haunt the place.

Tunnels Under Manser

Way back in the day (like in the 50's or 60's) when Manser (the dining hall at Mansfield University) was built there were two teachers that really really hated each other. One was a history guy and the other was a science professor, according to rumor. Anyway, while Manser was being built, they got into a huge argument over what to turn the old dining hall into. Obviously, the science guy wanted to turn it into a science building and the history guy a history building. Anyway, after a late night faculty meeting it is said that the two got into a fistfight and in a fit of rage the history guy killed the science guy. He needed a place to dispose of the body, so he dug under where Manser is now. As everybody knows, once you kill one person, it becomes easier to kill more, and eventually the history teacher made his own little catacombs of bodies. Sadly, like all killing sprees it came to and end, and the police arrested the guy. He's in an institution somewhere now. Anyway, the bodies and tunnels are still down there and if you know how to get in there you can still get down and see them.

Steadman is Haunted

Back in time once again, this time in the 70's, when the US had that little "police action" in Vietnam, many men from Mansfield went off to war. One such man left his fiance (I don't know how to spell that word...) behind to go to war. She was a vocal music major. Anyway, while she was in Steadman Theatre practicing, the news came to her that her fiance got killed by Charlie over in 'Nam. She was so upset that she ran up that big spiral staircase behind the stage and hurled herself off, all the while she continued to sing. Anyway, it's told that if you listen, late an night, you can still hear her voice in Steadman singing about her mourn for her lost love.

It's a Given that this one is a Lie

You know that bathtub of ice/kidneys thing that everybody hears about but nobody believes? Well, it happens sometimes over at Pinecrest. I know this guy that knows this guy who's former roommate had it happen to him. Woke up in a tub of ice, and realized his kidneys were gone. Macabre experience for all. In a completely unrelated note, I have some kidneys for sale.

The Tale of Old Mrs. McAllister

In 1986 there was an art teacher here named Mrs. McAllister. Anyway, she was a new age hippie in the truest sense of the word, and it was rumored that she dabbled in witchcraft. She had a cabin in the forest someplace between the marching band practice field and the baseball field. Anyway, she was an art teacher, and she had students year in and out who just took art as a joke, and she didn't like it. Anyway, the story goes that somehow as a form of revenge she lured bad students to her home, transformed them into cats, and let them loose in the woods. Eventually the cats all united, and killed her, and ate her body. It was never found. There are, however, many cats still wandering around that woods. And if you ever hear meowing in the woods near the freshman parking lot, just remember, it could be a student, trapped in a cats body.

Which one did I not make up?
Ghosts in Cedarcrest
Tunnels under Manser
Steadman is Haunted
Mrs. McAllister

View Results

Alright, you'ins. Its time for you to vote for which one you think I didnt make up. I know, it's a hard choice, they all sound incredibly unbelievable, but one of them I heard from someone else. I am not saying that THEY didn't make it up, I'm just saying that I didn't make it up.

--Scuba Steve, December 7, 2000

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