Weekend Antics

Ah the weekend. Most people use the weeked as a time to relax and such, and we here at SSVITU are no exception. We know how to have fun.... to some extent. With that in mind, and for entertainment purposes only, I will now recap the events of the weekend, in the hope that they are entertaining. If not, too bad. To fully understand the events of Friday I must begin with Thursday. Also, this is mainly written in the present tense, but parts are in past too, just for the confusement factor.


This is the only man who could use our table.

I take Dave to Ames, because I lost the coin flip. Shinigami and devNul come along, mainly for amusement. Dave was supposed to buy a chair and a space heater for our room. Ask me how many of those things he got. If you guessed zero, then you win a cookie. Instead of a chair he got a table, which he didn't notice was a CHILDREN's table. I didn't notice because I was bitching at him for not buying a space hearter. I eventually noticed when he set it up and it was about two feet tall. Also, gold star because I forced Dave to buy me Champion of Death starring Sonny Chiba in exchange for driving him.


After dinner me and Wendel returned Dave's stupid table and got a chair. I realized that I hate Wendel's taste in music. He was in control of the radio, and he stopped and sang along with about 10 really bad country songs. Then he went past THE BEATLES! How can you hear them on the radio and not listen to them? Even I admit that they are one of, if not the, greatest musical groups of all time. Barely survived.

Then me, devNul, Shinigami went off to Walmart. Another Sonny Chiba movie was purchased, with the unstable remnants of my bank account. Sister Street Fighter. We went to Shinigami and devNul's to watch it. I got back to my place and Wendel and some people were drinking. No, I wasn't surprised at all.

Saturday, 4:20 AM:

Fire drill. It's cold outside, but we all had to go there. At 4:20 in the morning. This is where people get urges to kill. At one point I wished the building really were on fire so I could warm myself by it.


Another trip to Walmart, purchasing Street Fighter's Last Revenge using only change that I had stored in a bottle. My Sonny Chiba addiction shows here.

We were gonna watch it but Shinigami and devNul decided to go with Jude to try to score wth slutty high school chicks, by telling them that they were big college men. Needless to say it didn't work. They did find a pool hall though, so it wasn't a total loss. I hung out in my room and watched Road Trip and the new Shaft. Neither were all that good. I caught up on my unread X-E articles while I watched.

Then, I headed over to Shinigami and devNul's place and we watched one of the greatest movies ever made. A true classic, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. I could, and probably will, write for about five pages on the hilarity of that movie. Definately an entertaining watch.


Obligatory trip to Walmart, as always. More Killing Dave online, my new hobby. Last time until now that I bothered to post on the ol' website. Btw, Shinigami said he's writing something for me soon, once the damn internet comes back to us. Went on mission to Wellsboro trying to find pool hall. Also, totally humiliated Shinigami in Unreal as well. Maybe I don't suck. I doubt that though.

Event of the day: I went to buy the last bag of chex mix at the campus store and it had no price tag so the man behind the counter gave it to me for free. If that man reads this, you are the coolest cashier guy I know.

Finally, we watched Street Fighter's Last Revenge. Definately a good flick. You can tell, because I gave it its own paragraph for no reason.

Monday (too hard to think of an ending... continuing to write):

Went to a bunch of stores looking for Sonny Chiba flicks. Sadly, I couldn't find one. I already own every Sonny Chiba film for 20 miles in any direction. It was a sad sad day. I still feel the pain that I didn't see a new Chiba flick last night.

Instead, we watched a Bruce Lee movie, the Chinese Connection. That's Bruce Lee, not Bruce Le or Bruce Li. More on that in another post.


Bored enough to write this article. --Scuba Steve, January 23, 2001

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