BN's Strategy of Fear Working Too Well

KUALA LUMPUR 22 NOV (Seachange Malaysia) - Reports from around the country suggest that Barisan Nasional's strategy of fear in the run-up to the elections may be working rather too well, especially among the Chinese.

Patients with weak hearts have been losers under the campaign. At least a dozen deaths over the past few days have been linked to reading the local papers which are filled with full-page BN advertisements warning of violence should the Opposition gain control. Said Mohd. Azmi in Kuala Lumpur: "I was travelling on a bus to work when, suddenly, I heard a scream from the front and saw an old man topple over. He was still holding a copy of The Star in his hands when he died."

The sale of crutches and wheelchairs have reportedly soared due to the campaign. An elderly man, identified only as Ting P.K., told reporters: "After reading Sin Chew Jit Poh, I grew so weak at the knees that I collapsed. My wife had to call for an ambulance but, unfortunately, doctors could not save my knees. As a result, I now have to use a wheelchair to get around. I wish those who keep harping about May 13, Indonesian riots and Keadilan riots realise the consequences of their actions."

Likewise, retail stores have reported a sudden increase in the sale of warm clothing. Said the manageress of one large department store in KL: "We have had many men and women rush in asking for the heaviest overcoats and the thickest sweaters because their blood had turned to ice in this climate of fear. One man even asked if we had any electric sweaters."

Aileen Seok of Penang said she had turned as white as a sheet after looking at pictures of violence paid for by BN in the New Straits Times. After five or six pages of the most grotesque depictions of brutality, her face had become permanently whited-out. "Even though I now use a lot of make-up, I still look like a ghost,' she complained. 'People are frightened to look at me even though I am the frightened one."

Meanwhile, hair-dressing salons have reported an increase in the number of women seeking emergency treatment after a hair-raising read of BN's election advertisements in the daily papers. Said Shirley who works at Ipoh's largest beauty parlour: "They come in with their hair all sticking up around their heads in the most ridiculous fashion. But there is little we can do because the strands have become as stiff as wires. Hence, many asked us to shave their heads bald."

Other Chinese women have reported their hair turning snow-white overnight from sheer terror. Some are planning to launch a class action suit against BN. Arlene Lan of Georgetown wailed, "I'm only twenty-five, still unmarried but I now look like an old hag. I think it has been a most irresponsible campaign."

Also planning to sue are those who blame the media blitz for the loss of their teeth. HK Gan, a Chinese man in his early thirties, explained: "After looking at the graphic photos of riots in the papers, I just couldn't stop my teeth from chattering. First, my fillings dropped out, then most of my teeth. I tried wearing dentures, but they just wouldn't stay in place from shaking. I call upon the government to please stop scaring me so much."

Others have told of losing their voices after screaming for an extended period of time. One woman used sign language to tell reporters how she had gone berserk after staring at photographs of the May 13 riots in the New Straits Times. After shrieking for a whole day and night, her voice cords had finally snapped, much to the relief of her neighbours.

BN's media onslaught appeared to have devastated some lives. Madame Ling, from a plush suburb of KL, had this to say: "I was so panic-stricken that goose-bumps appeared all over my body after watching the news on RTM. To my absolute horror, they became permanent. I used to have such soft, smooth skin, but now my husband is planning to divorce me."

Having a similar story to tell is Michelle Wang, who described herself as a small-time prostitute: "As a result of my now unsightly skin condition, I can no longer go out to meet my clients. I don't care who wins the elections, but it's very unfair for anyone to use such terrifying tactics."

One hospital in Johore has alerted health authorities to the abnormally high number of persons seeking treatment for a loss of control over their bowel movements since the start of the fear campaign. Commented Dr. Ahmad, "We suspect that these patients have been scared shitless although few will admit to it. Some of them embarrassed themselves severely while reading the papers in a public area."

But the strangest story of all comes from Kubang Pasu in Kedah, the Prime Minister's electorate. At an election rally, a group of Chinese businessmen and their wives were so petrified on hearing Mahathir warn of riots against their community that they turned into stone. The Prime Minister is reported to be delighted with these instant sculptures, which bear a variety of terrified expressions beyond the ability of any sculptor to create. According to his aides, he intends to display them in his new palace in Putrajaya. They will also be brought out for public display in future BN election campaigns.

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