Licensed For Licentiousness

In the brief history of Malaysia, never has there been a Prime Minister as corrupted and wicked as Mahathir and who tolerates as much corruption as he does.

He is a dunghill covered with flowers. He encourages corruption around him. His 18 years rule has brought all the cherished instruments of democracy to their knees including the Judiciary, the Attorney-General Office, the Chief Justice Office, the Police Force, the Election Commission and whatever else you can think of.

Only corrupt and debased people without a shred of conscience can flourish under Mahathir. He likes corrupt people because he can control them. Take the present AG Mokhtar Abdullah and the Chief Justice Eusoff Chin. They are unquestionably the two most evil and repulsive of Mahathir�s henchmen, dyed to the core in corruption and wallowing in filth. Mahathir needs them to do his dirty bidding and they will willingly obey because Mahathir controls them on a leash build from their sins.

With Mahathir the only value he wants from a man is UNWAVERING LOYALTY. You can be as corrupt as you want and he will protect you. Yes, under Mahathir, you can get away with rape as Rahim Thamby Chik did, with adultery as Najib did, with money corruption as Razfidah Aziz did, with billion dollar corruption as Daim and Eric Chia did, with beating a man to within an inch of his life as Rahim Noor did and even with murder as Megat Junid did. Those who dare accuse you will be investigated, charged and victimised by the compliant court.

Are we to accept material progress at the expense of all our moral values and principles, where right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right and corruption and cronyism saps the nation like blood bleeding away relentlessly? Just like the Roman Empire, material progress cannot save us. Society rots from the core and eventually the whole edifice comes tumbling down.

There is nothing much that ordinary Malaysians can do under this tidal wave of corruption except to USE YOUR VOTE WISELY in the next General Elections. Kick out the despot Mahathir!


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