Website Information
        At first I just started out with a simple FHP vehicles web page, the page just had pictures of FHP patrol equipment , that was back in 1998 when I first started experimenting with web site designing. Then I opened up a second FHP patrol cars page. Then the new service came out i think it was 1999 called "Page Builder" I didn't like it when I first when I tried it out, so I kept updating my 2 webpages with the old service. Next thing you know the old service shut down and I was left with Page Builder. So I started using Page Builder to work on my 2 web pages and started getting used to the new service..

          Next I started thinking of turning my web pages into a web site, so I started building a better and much organized web pages containing information about the Florida Highway Patrol. Next thing you know I have a big Unofficial Florida Highway Patrol Website with tons of information about the Florida Highway Patrol. Some of the information I linked back to the FHP Website because I wouldn't want to mess with all that goverment information. But I did make a lot of web pages with
FHP vehicles, FHP patches/badges, FHP Academy infromation and much more. Well if you like my site and if you want to leave me a comment you can just email me or you can sign my guestbook. Well I just thank you for pulling over at my site and have yourself a great day.
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