Awards I've won
Nan Desu Kan Convention 2003
Ha!  I went to Nan Desu Kan convention again 2003 and entered my one piece of art.  It won second place!!  Red ribbon and all!  Once again, it was the Junio Devision, but it is the last time I will be able to enter because next year I will be 18, going on 19 when it happens...if I go...Anyway, the drawing was my "cosmic" one in my gallery, the one with the woman and the purple hair, floating in space.  My prize: Dragonball Z 2003 calandar, Cowboy Bebob manga 1 (English), Rurouni Kenshin manga 1 (Japanese w/slick cover), ...I hope this is's in Japanese...Soyen*Syuhasu [Ousama no kihu] manga 1 by Sakuma Tomyo (gosh, I really hope that's right!)...and finally, a Transformers Micromaster.  Go here if you want to see my name as proof (once again, misspelled  ^_^;;).
Nan Desu Kan Convention 2002
During my first Anime Convention (Nan Desu Kan 6) in Denver, Colorado, I entered my underwater Umi drawing/painting (see my art gallery) into the Junior Devision (ages 17 and under--I was 16), and won 3rd place!  I was estatic!  As a prize, I received Miracle Girls by Nami Akimoto, mangas  #1 and #2, and an official white ribbon.  It was my first con and my first attempt at an art show.  ^_^  This is the official web site with my name and the names (and categories) of others.  They spelled my name wrong...but that happens a lot.
Animerica Magazine Swimsuit contest 2002
I drew a picture for the Animerica Magazine's anual Swimsuit Fanart Contest and made it into the second of the extended issue (August 2002)!!!!  I don't even get the magazine, but I've always wanted it!  (I can't afford it right now)  I got a manga postcard with congradulations on it and a black Animerica "Staff Otaku" T-shirt!
Sailormoon Online Paradise 750k Fanfiction contest
I was the Grand Champion, meaning that of the three categories available (all of which I entered), my points were added up and totaed to be the most!  I was also second place in Haiku and original fanfiction, Golden Millennium: The Dawn of Twilight.  See it in my fanfiction section.  ^_^.
Sailormoon Online Paradise 600k Fanfiction contest
I was first place (tied) for my Sailor Moon fanfiction, Paradot.  It's in the fanfiction section, if you'd like to read it.  ^_^
Sailormoon Online Paradise 500k Celebration
I won the 500k Celebration contest at the Sailor Moon Online Paradise with my drawing for Sailor Nova's fanfiction to commemerate half-a-million hits.  I won the entire "Stars" series on CDs!
Sailormoon Online Paradise 400k Fanart contest
(Now known as the Sailor Moon Online Paradise - SMOP)
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