    By posting this Disclaimer I am stating that I do not claim any ownership to the animated series or manga of Sailor Moon.  Sailor Moon and its characters, ect. are (c) 1992 Naoko Takeuchi, Toi Animation, and so forth.  This site displays information from the series in my own words according to what I have seen on North American television, watched on movies, or read from the mangas.  This site is my own, hosted by Geocities, while only the images in the "My Art" section entirely belong to me.  Many of the buttons I have used public images to make, but I spent the time to make them (such as the "Home" button at the bottom of this page, so don't take it without asking).  All images posted on my site I have found by surfing the web and have been open to the public for use or were "given" to me through permission. Therefor I have used them to help create a visual to guide visitors and help spice things up.  If anything is yours, and you KNOW it, and would like credit or perfer to have it not shown at all, then contact me through email.
       Thank you for taking the time to read this and believe me when I say what has been writen.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me.

Andrea Conners
[email protected]
Take me Home!
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