The one great advantage karate has over all other self-defense arts is the use of the legs. A karate kick has over five times the power of a punch, making it a truly awesome weapon to possess. To master a kick, make sure you know the basic foot positions used when striking.
ball of the foot is used for front kicks, so make sure to have you toes pulled back. For side kicks, use your blade by pulling your toes back and kicking with the outer edge of your foot. The heel is used for stomping techniques. The instep of the foot is used for roundhouse kicks and you pull your toes back to expose the foot. Last but not least, the knee is used by tucking the leg in and the toes back. Used for groin or head attacks.
The following are some of the basic kicks used in Isshinryu Karate. Click on each picture to see a bigger and better image
  FRONT KICK. This kick is usually executed from a seisan or front stance. Bringing the back leg to the chamber, then stretching the leg for the kick (remember to have your toes pulled back by kicking with the ball), bring the leg back to the chamber, then return to Seisan stance. Keep your guard up at all times. The front kick can be used to kick the groin, solar plexus, or to the face. The higher you raise your knee, the higher your kick will be.
BACK KICK. This devastating kick is used for attacking behind you. From a front stance make sure you look behind you first. This is important so that you know where your kick will be executed. Switch your guard behind you and raise your back leg to the chamber. The kick shoots straight back and the kick is done with the heel in a snappy motion. Bring the leg back to the chamber and back to the front stance.
SIDE KICK. Like the name says, this kick is used for attacking to the side. From a horse stance or an attention stance, bring your leg to the chamber, shoot the leg to the side and kick either with the blade of your foot or with the heel with the toes pointing down to the floor. This is a beautiful kick and it looks impressive when is executed to the face.
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