<BGSOUND SRC="ctzealdeal.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

" Mine name is Glenn, Cyrus' hopes and deams, and now the Masamune.  With which I shall slay Magus and restore honor! "
- Frog

" If history is to change, let it change.  If the world is to be destroyed, so be it.  If it it my fate to die, I must simply laugh, "
- Magus

" Lower thine guard, and though art allowing the enemy in, "

" My guise doth not incur thy trust? "

" Say , can you hear that?  It's the sound of the reaper, "

" Give me your best shot... if you're preapred for the void! "

" Very well, do as thee please.  But I shall save the queen! "

" Stupid Frog!  It's time you jumped off this mortal coil, "

" Crono, I can't recall it all.  I was somewhere cold, dark and... lonely.  Is that what it's like to...
die? "

" Enough with the false modesty, you have a real gift!  I would trade my royal ancestry for your scientific genius in a heartbeat! "

" Just because I have a title doesn't mean I'm not a person! "

" Save money, it'll do ya good, "
-Vender in 2300 A.D.

" Let's at least head back to our own time! "

" It's nice to see such spirited young people for a change, "

" Say, what does this button do? "

" ... This can't be the way the world ends... "

" There's only one thing we can do.  We must change history! "

" Who cares?  Where's the food?!? "
-Starving human of 2300 A.D.

" You don't know how long the Entron'll hold out.  Those seeds might be your only hope for survival! "

" You have to stay alive and so do we, "

" Hey it's.... the MAN! "
- Robots in 2300 A.D.

" Llike thanks for the intro, babe!  You lowlifes can call me Johnny, "

" You can challenge me anytime.  We'll ride the wind, babe! "

" I survived the darkness to defeat you Lavos! "

" Obey me, Schala!  Their lives are at stake, "
-Prohpet of 12000 B.C.

" I hate formal titles! "

" A defect?... I'm a defect... "

" Together, maybe we can give this planet of ours' a chance! "

" Machines aren't capable of evil... humans make them that way, "

" And tell that fool... he'd better come back alive, "
-Chef of 600 A.D.

" Stop snivling!  It shames the Knights of the Square Table! "
-Knight Captain

" All we want is world peace... or a peace of the world! "
-Naga Ette of the Cathedral

" The black wind howls... One among you will shortly perish, "

" Nothing can beat Science! "

" We won't be beaten by a bad guy! "

" Don't bother... Alfador only likes me, "

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