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Icy Brian's RPG Page

Easily the best RPG page on the web.  Excellent walkthroughs, pics, music and more for games such as Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Trigger, Suikoden I and II, Super Mario RPG Final Fantasy Tactics and Chrono Cross.  Join the RPG Ring of Ice, Icy Brian's RPG club, or emial him to tell him what a fab job he's done with this page!

Shrine to Ghaleon

Rune Lai has done a fantastic job with her page.  A labor of love to LUNAR , it is maintained quite well and updated often.  This site is a tribute to the premier of Vane, Ghaleon.  Come check out Ghaleon pics and sounds.  Look at Fan Art or read Fanfic.  Or, my personal fave, visit the interesting Message Board.  You're in for a treat here.

David's Ultimate Final Fantasy 7 Page

My best friend has more hits than me!!!  That's only cause he published his first...  Just wait...  Anyway, just go to his site and remember not to be too brutal when leaving comments on his MB.  He's got pics music and more stuff to come!

Kaotic Heart's Dragon Ball World

Much love to my boy Jimmy for creating this page and refreshing my taste for the greatest anime saga of all time... Dragon Ball Z!  This page is gonna have it all.  Already loaded w/ pics and animated GIFs, but soon you'll see music ( I wnder where from? ) power levels, an attack list and more!

Sector 7

My brother recently started at webpage of his own on Geocities.  It's a one stop Final Fantasy VII page with all the goodies.  Pics, music ( ahem ) maps, boss strategies and ( gulp ) the walkthrough.  Time is tickin' away tick tick tickin' away....


Page of


This is my friend danii's website about...
" stuff ".  It has some coll junk.  A good picture and sound sections.  He also has an interesting forum and feedback.  Let him know how you feel about anything...  ooh yeah, I got my email button from him...

RPG Crusades:
RPG Club

This is an RPG club for the Hardcore epic gamerz.  Join him by emailing him at [email protected].  Go here to find out if you want to join the elite RPG gamers in Chris's RPG club, RPG Crusades.

Click here to submit your URL for consideration

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