Weapon issues

As most people out there know who theses two weapons are, the question rose among us. who is emerald weapon? most people think that its saphire weapon because he ahs no head. but dont belive it! if you look closely you will spot differences between the weapons like:
coloure, saphires tail, and saphires flippers. so in the end it just worlks out that saphire and emerald are completely different weapons.

28th feb 2003
TWO FACED $"%$""%

recently me and my friend were talking about diamond weapon and we came into this problem. which is his face???????????? my freind thought it was the eyes on the top of his head and the red parts were his tounge. that   night out of sheer bordom i looked at aome pics of him and discovered that the wepons ees were acctually the red lights and his mouth wasnt far below it! 

December 13th 2003
whats their gender???

as far as i am aware the Weapons are the following:

atma weapon-male
ultimate weapon-male
diamond weapon-male
sapphire weapon-male
ruby weapon- female
emerald weapon-female
ultima weapon (ff8)-male
omega weapon (ff8)-female
ultima weapon (ff10)- male
omega weapon (ff10)- male
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