By Sergeeva (9KB - 26 April 1999)
Author's note: Okay, this looks like it's going to be a little series here... I love to spin out the delight as long as possible. Don't worry, they'll get to the NC-17 stuff eventually!
Sometime in the early hours, the nightmare woke him.
Horribly vivid, the dream replayed over and over not his rescue of the terrified child, but her death - in a dozen grotesque ways. He still felt the chill of that warehouse as he lurched awake, tremors shuddering through his body. He still heard the little girl's whimpers echoing in his head.
Hardly knowing where he was, he tore at the twisted sheets and tried to struggle from the bed, until calming hands stilled him. His shaky legs gave way then and he sank back onto the edge of the mattress. The haunting horror of the dream still with him, he felt the room spin as gentle touches guided him back under the covers.
"He's in shock, Mulder. Go get that fleece blanket from the couch in the den and then I think some hot tea might be good."
Scully eased herself up in the wide bed, wrapping her arms as best she could around Skinner's broad shoulders, rubbing some warmth back into him. Mulder hovered, one hand resting on Skinner's foot under the comforter.
"Will he be okay? I've never seen him like this... I know how these cases can..." He trailed off, looking anxiously at Scully.
"I think it's all just catching up with him now", she said, brushing a gentle hand over Skinner's damp brow. "Being a hero is very tiring. He had to hold that madman at bay for seven hours and if his reactions hadn't been lightning fast the girl and he would both be dead now. Get that fleece, Mulder, he's cold as ice."
Skinner heard the words but they were just sounds. If only he could stop shaking he could maybe sleep, but no, sleep brought dreams... He shuddered violently and felt something soft settling around him, a steaming mug held to his lips. His teeth were chattering too hard for him to drink, but the delicate herbal scent relaxed him.
Scully set down the camomile tea and tugged the soft blanket closer. Shifting so that Skinner's head was pillowed on her chest, she began softly massaging his temples, murmuring soothing words against his smooth scalp.
Mulder climbed in to spoon against Skinner's back and added his warming caresses up and down the length of the shivering body. Slowly the tremors subsided and Mulder took one of Skinner's hands in his as they all finally slept again.
Bright sunshine splashed in from the open window when Skinner woke again. He was momentarily disoriented by the unfamiliar surroundings, but them embarrassment took over, as he remembered the night before - all of it. Had he really been so out of it that he'd needed to be put to bed and watched over like a sick child? Had he really spent the night sandwiched between Mulder and Scully like some unwilling chaperone? He had to leave and right away. Not only was he intruding on the two of them when he must be the last person they'd want to let into their private life, but he had to admit he wasn't up to the strain. It had been altogether too pleasurable to be held and kissed and included. It would be very dangerous to let himself enjoy this when he didn't belong here.
He swung his long legs over the side of the bed and was looking around for his clothes when Mulder appeared in the doorway.
"Good, you're awake. Breakfast is on its way, although it's more like brunch now. Scully says you'll probably need to sleep a lot more yet, but you need to eat and then I can help you get a shower if you like."
Mulder sounded as sane as he ever did, which admittedly wasn't saying a lot, but Skinner felt as if he'd missed a huge chunk of the plot somewhere. He tried to gather some shreds of his dignity.
"I'm very... well, I'm grateful for you taking me in last night, but I do have a home to go to, and a report to write and if you could just tell me where my clothes are...?"
"It's not going to happen, sir. Scully's already called the Director and got you some leave time and he says your report can wait until after the weekend. Even Freeh is no match for Dana when she's that determined. So all you have to worry about is bacon and eggs and letting us take care of you, for a change."
"That's exactly what I am worrying about, Mulder. I can't be here. Freeh will have me up before the OPR in the blink of an eye. And I don't need 'taking care of'..." Skinner could see this whole situation slipping away from him.
"Let me be the judge of that, sir." Scully had her best no-nonsense manner in place and a breakfast tray in her hands. She carried it to the bed and simply stood over him until he sheepishly scooted back under the blankets and let her set the tray across his lap. Crisp bacon, scrambled eggs, orange juice and a toasted bagel made his mouth water and when he looked up to see Dana, warrior princess, standing with arms folded and a mock-severe expression on her face, he gave in with a good grace and began to eat.
"The Director has no idea you're here," she reassured him. "I told him you were exhausted and we'd made sure you were getting plenty of rest. I imagine he thinks you're in Crystal City. He said he'd keep the press and the paper-pushers at the Bureau off your back until next week, so you have the whole weekend to get used to this."
The food was delicious: warming, tasty, comforting, but he couldn't just let this go on indefinitely.
"Get used to what?" He sounded churlish, even to his own ears, but he had to know.
"To us, sir, um... Walter. To you and us together. Finish your breakfast and have a shower and then we can talk some more."
She leaned over and kissed him softly on the cheek, then retreated to stand with Mulder. Arms looped around each other's waists, they beamed at Skinner as he lay back on the pillows, feeling as if he must have fallen down a rabbit hole.
He made them leave him alone to take his shower, shy enough about peeling off the borrowed robe and standing naked in their bathroom. In the steamy heat of the shower, with the soporific hiss of the water, he felt less like questioning this fantasy into which he'd apparently strayed. Tiredness swept over him again and he sank down to his haunches, leaning back against the smooth tiles, his eyes closing.
Mulder found him there a short while later, barely awake. He peeled his own T-shirt off and reached in to shut off the cooling spray, then took a big towel and swathed it around the drowsy man.
"C'mon, Walter. Let's get you back to bed."
Skinner stood obediently and let himself be led back into the bedroom. Scully was waiting and she began to dry his feet and legs while Mulder rubbed at his shoulders and back. It felt so good not to have to do anything, or even to think. He swayed against Mulder's chest, fighting a losing battle against sleep, and Mulder just held him closer, blotting at the damp trickles on his neck and stomach. He could feel Dana's soft hands running the towel over his thighs and buttocks, fluffing up his pubic hair. Distantly, he registered arousal uncoiling itself deep within him, and felt a blush make his cheeks and ears glow. Someone kissed his hipbone and someone else brushed a finger over his nipple, ruffling the damp curls of his chest hair. Eyes closed, he moved where they urged him, settling back onto fresh, cool sheets, no fight left in him.
"Sleep, Walter, we'll be here when you wake up."
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