By Sergeeva (13KB - 3 May 1999)
Skinner had no idea how long he slept. Conscious only of warmth and the occasional soft murmur of voices, he fended off the nightmares for a while.
Once, he surfaced and found himself looking at a small feminine hand curled in his. For a moment he panicked, remembering the terrified little girl cowering in his arms as the kidnapper kept them at gunpoint on the crumbling edge of a four-story drop. Already sleep-deprived and aching with tension, he had endured seven hours of fighting to keep awake, trying to keep his balance on a shattered concrete ledge that might give way any moment, while a lunatic took pot shots at the cracked surface under his feet.
He clutched convulsively at these other slim fingers now, reliving the sickening slide as a bullet finally shot away his footing. One arm hooking desperately around a steel reinforcing rod had kept them from crashing to their death and his other hand got a last-second hold on the straps of the child's dungarees. Rescue had come soon after, thank God, and someone had lifted the little girl from his grasp and hauled him up to safety. She'd held fast to his hand, though, needing him until her hysterical parents arrived to reclaim her.
Skinner gripped hard on the hand that held his now, and Scully drew him close, suffering the bruising pressure until he relaxed and slipped into sleep again. Tenderly, she smoothed his cheek and tugged the blanket up over his bare shoulder.
The next time he opened his eyes it was to Mulder's face. That long nose just inches from his, a naked arm across his hip and a palm curved over his right buttock. His brain refused to process this and he rolled over and let sleep descend again. Mulder settled against his back and the palm moved to stroke his stomach instead. It was too weird, and too worryingly addictive. He could very easily get used to this and that was an impossible dream. Every time he woke he found either Scully or Mulder lying close by, watching him with concerned eyes, reaching to reassure him. He wanted so much to believe it wasn't just a dream, but thought sadly that it was much more likely his overstressed brain was indulging in some wishful thinking.
When his protesting bladder forced him into full wakefulness, he was taken aback to find Mulder still very real, very close and very naked. In bed with him. He lay still for a moment, assimilating the information that his head was resting on Mulder's naked shoulder, that Mulder's long thigh was pressed against his, that...
"Welcome back, Walter." Mulder shifted slightly, giving him his space. "We thought you were going to sleep the clock round." He smiled gently and called out. "Scully, Walter's awake."
Skinner threw back the covers. "I need to..." he muttered, looking round urgently. Spying the bathroom door, he leapt from the bed, only to be met with Dana Scully, wearing only a silk wrap. He fled, blushing furiously and his two hosts watched his retreating splendour appreciatively.
A few minutes later he emerged, still pink with embarrassment, his hands cupped modestly over his groin.
"There are no towels in there and I really need to get my clothes and go..." He lifted his chin bracingly and continued: "I'm sure you want to have your home to yourselves again, s-so..."
Scully and Mulder were lying on the bed, studying him intently. He faltered to a stammer, as Scully stood languidly and let her gaze move over him from head to toe. She sighed, contentedly, and began to move towards him.
"We don't want you to go, we want you to stay here, with us." She reached his side and put one hand on his chest, looking up seriously into his face. Slipping her arm through his she turned and started to lead him back to the bed. He resisted a little, trying to keep himself covered and knowing his face and ears must be scarlet. Again she looked up at him, clear blue eyes urging him to trust, to accept.
"Walter, please stay with us."
She tried to take his hand, but he kept it resolutely clamped over his groin and she smiled and shook her head, despairing of him. On the bed, Mulder sat up and made a space for Skinner to sit, fitting himself behind the bigger man, one leg curled up under him, one draped alongside Skinner's bare thigh, over the side of the mattress. He and Scully exchanged looks and Scully settled on her knees at Skinner's feet and fixed him with her most intense look.
"Mulder and I... we've been waiting for you, Walter. We've wanted this for a long time now. We both..." She flicked a glance at Mulder and he nodded and lifted his hand to cup Skinner's shoulder. "We both love you."
He was stunned. "But how can you, when you have each other? You don't need me, you're complete. I always thought..."
Her hair trailed silkily against Skinner's legs as she leaned forward and kissed each kneecap. Her hand stroked slyly up the inside of his thigh and she continued to talk as she caressed him.
"Hush, Walter, don't think. Let us show you how we feel about you."
She gently pushed his knees apart and moved between them, turning her head to kiss each thigh and brushing the sensitive skin with her soft hair. Skinner felt his heart rate increase and his breath hitch and his penis jump under his shielding hands. Mesmerised by the glide of Dana's lips over his legs, he was totally unprepared for Mulder's hand on his face, turning him to face sparkling hazel eyes, or for Mulder's mouth descending on his. He tensed, and Scully chose that moment to kiss the back of the hand that still curled shyly around his swelling cock. Dazed by the double assault, his brain seemed unable to form any protest.
Mulder moved his mouth slowly over Skinner's lips and cheeks and jaw... and Skinner thought it was the most extraordinary thing he'd ever felt - another man's stubble against his face.
"Dana's right, Walter," Mulder breathed against his ear, "we need you to complete us." Firm lips nibbled at his earlobe. "You need us." A flick of a tongue against his lips and his last shreds of resistance were melting. He opened to Mulder and felt Dana lifting his hand to her mouth. She kissed his knuckles and the tips of his fingers and then tugged at his other hand.
"Don't feel shy, Walter. You are a beautiful man; your body is remarkable. Let us look at you and touch you."
Mulder's hand sweeping over his jaw guided Skinner's head back against a supporting shoulder and Mulder's mouth sucked softly at his tongue. Mulder tasted of apple and the heat of his palm over Skinner's throat released the last vestiges of uncertainty. His hand fell away from his groin and clutched at Mulder's shoulder as he turned himself more deeply into the kiss, sliding lower against Mulder's circling arm.
Scully held his other hand to her cheek as she contemplated his revealed cock, lifting and swelling deliciously. She drew a sensual finger over the smoothness of Skinner's hip, traced the fading scar of the bullet wound on his belly and the older, silvery lines running down into his pubic hair. Her fingers crept in amongst the dark curls and she watched delightedly as Skinner's abdominal muscles clenched at the unexpected touch.
The two men were lost in their kisses - Mulder leading Skinner deeper and deeper, but so gently. Drifting a thumb over his cheekbone, fingering the line of his brows, making slow forays into the silk of the other man's mouth, but then pulling softly away to lock gazes before falling on the parted lips again. Dana smiled dreamily at them and dipped her head to kiss Skinner's belly, in the tender hollow just above his pubic bone.
She blew on the moist spot her lips had left and gloried in the ripple of sensitive skin. As if following some invisible signal, Mulder shifted slightly and let Skinner slide lower in his arms, until the smooth head was against his chest. Looking down the length of Skinner's nude body to where the long legs framed Dana's elated face, Mulder kissed the bare scalp.
"That was just the Prologue, Walter. Now for Act One."
And Scully leaned in and licked the powerful sleekness of Skinner's erect penis. Her hands slipped under to palm the yielding firmness of his balls, and stroke the silky shaft.
Wide-eyed, Skinner moaned an inarticulate sound and shuddered in Mulder's embrace. He was held tightly and Mulder's low voice breathed warm against his ear:
"Let yourself go, Walter, you look so gorgeous, so hot... We're going to take such good care of you."
Long fingers slid over his shoulders and chest, curled round his offered throat, stroked his ears and head... moist heat enfolded his cock, swirling around and over and teasing the tip, pressing softly, flicking, probing... Skinner's eyes rolled closed, his hands fisted in the bed covers, the muscles in his arms and stomach bunching and flexing as he arched into the pleasure.
Dana was crooning ecstatically, licking her lips like a cat, her hands sweeping a repeated caress over Skinner's lean hips, into the tender hollow of his navel, along the sleek lines of thighs and under to cup powerful curving buttocks. Melting this strong man into fluid suppleness, spreading him for her feasting mouth that dipped again and again to swallow his heated length.
Mulder kept up a constant murmured seduction, as he cradled the broad shoulders and smoothed the sweat-slicked skin...
"You're incredible, Walter... Dana is having such a good time, I bet you taste wonderful, I can't wait to see you come, and you can get your own back on us later... This is the best weekend I've ever had. Your skin is perfect, you know, so tan and smooth. And your nipples are so sensitive - see! That's it, let yourself feel it... we love you so much, Walter..."
Skinner had never felt so... special. So appreciated, so wanted. He wondered fleetingly how he could ever have deserved this heaven, if he could even begin to tell them how much... Then suddenly all he knew was rushing blood, something molten screwing tighter and tighter inside him, burning and arcing like electricity, and the roaring surge of release curling him up off the bed, tendons knotting, ligaments straining...
Mulder rose with him, curving over his bare back, the sweat trickling between them, and Dana's mouth sheathed him, sucking him like a delicious fruit, relishing his nectar. She held his hips as the tremors faded, and Mulder laid him down again, kissing him over and over.
He slipped softly from Dana's mouth and she laid her head against his belly, almost purring with contentment.
"Thank you..." Skinner and Dana murmured together, and all three of them chuckled softly. Skinner tried again:
"I don't know what to say... that was... this is... I can't describe, you don't know..."
"Oh I think we do." Mulder was starry-eyed and beaming. "You didn't see yourself just then... what a beautiful sight!" Dana raised her head and looked at them through lowered lashes: "Inspirational!"
Mulder lapped at Skinner's earlobe: "And if you think that was good, wait until I get my wicked way with you.... ow!" Dana pinched the nearest bit of him and Skinner soothed the red mark with his big hand, scooping up Dana's diminutive one on the way so that they were all linked. He brought both their hands to his chest and sighed, closing his eyes.
"He's gone again Scully."
"Mmm... sweet dreams, Walter. Get the washcloth Mulder.."
THE END [part3]
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