By Sergeeva (13K 23 May 1999)
Mirrors are dangerous things, Skinner thought, scowling at himself, toothbrush in hand, in the brightly lit bathroom. Without his glasses, he had a less than clear view, but he could see enough middle-aged flesh, bags under the eyes and baldness to make him turn away in resigned disgust.
His retreat was blocked by a naked and grinning Mulder, tousled hair sticking up at all angles, cheeks flushed with sleep, looking like a mischievous little boy.
"You can stop that right now, Walter," he commanded, reaching up to smooth the frown lines on Skinner's brow. "I know exactly what you're thinking and believe me, you can't trust your own judgement in this case, with or without glasses."
Mulder moved to the second basin, alongside Skinner, and began to brush his own teeth. Skinner stood slack-jawed for a moment, then busied himself squeezing out a measured amount of toothpaste, to hide his discomfort at being so easily readable. Scully appeared in the doorway behind them and wolf whistled their naked butts. Mulder laughed around the brush still stuck in his mouth:
"See Walter, you're hot stuff." He turned towards Scully, his chin daubed with froth, and removed the toothbrush. "Walter was having doubts again, he can't see what we see." He spat and rinsed and spat again. "I think it's about time I had a go at convincing him."
"Oooh, can I watch?" Scully hopped up to sit on the counter between the two basins, her eyes flashing wickedly as she looked from Mulder to Skinner and back. Predictably, Skinner blushed and dipped his head, finishing his own brushing with excessive concentration. Mulder moved until he was standing between Scully's dangling legs.
"Mornin' Scully. Someone's in a good mood." He leaned in and kissed her noisily, scooping one arm around her back so he could dip her and lick lustily at her ears and cheeks.
She pushed at him, giggling and groaning. "Uggh, Mulder - you're like a big puppy! At least you're nice and minty." She wiped her face and patted her sleep-rumpled hair, pretending to be annoyed.
Mulder turned to Skinner and ran a deliberate hand down his bare back, pushing him slightly in Scully's direction. "Don't be shy, Walter. Say good morning to Dana."
Skinner lifted wary brown eyes and cleared his throat. "Good morning Dana," he said formally.
"Oh, for Pete's sake!" Mulder exclaimed, shoving Skinner forward again.
"Don't rush us, Mulder. Not everyone is as uninhibited as you." Scully smiled softly at Skinner and lifted her face to him, her message clear. He tilted his head and lowered his lips to hers. Slowly and with something that looked like reverence, Skinner kissed her. Eyes closed, not even touching her body, he seemed to be hardly moving his lips, but Mulder could see the muscles in his jaw working and Scully was making sounds that suggested she might shortly die of pleasure. Mulder felt a rush of blood to his groin, watching them.
After a few seconds, they pulled apart and Scully gazed up at Skinner with shining eyes. "Good morning Walter. Wonderful morning," she breathed, fanning herself and beaming happily.
"Hey, I want some of that!" Mulder pouted and pulled Skinner into his arms. He studied the older man's face intently for a moment, then stroked a finger across the wide, shapely lips. "Walter..." he murmured, and Skinner surrendered to the heat in sparkling hazel eyes and the consuming touch of agile lips.
Scully watched breathless as Mulder browsed hungrily over Skinner's brow and eyelids and nose and chin, before allowing the other man to still his rampage with a big hand cupped either side of his face. Then Skinner gave Mulder an incredibly intense kiss such as he had given Dana and she smiled to see Mulder's knees buckle.
When Skinner finally released him, Mulder staggered back, dizzily, and leaned panting against the counter top. "Do you do everything that well?" he gasped, and couldn't keep his gaze from drifting down to Skinner's cock and then to his own. "Don't answer that. Scully, you'll just have to tell the Director that Walter has disappeared, then we can keep him here as our love slave for ever. That would be okay with you, wouldn't it, Walter?" He slid a possessive hand down Skinner's chest, over his stomach and around his hip to cup a firm buttock. "There's no escape now, Walter. You're all ours. Right, Scully?"
"Damn right," said Scully, pushing herself off the counter and sidling around Skinner. Embracing him from behind, she began kissing his bare back, and Mulder chose that very moment to bury his hand between Skinner's legs. The big man groaned as moist lips and warm breath sent shivers down his spine at the same time as knowing fingers stroked his thigh and teased at his pubic hair.
Scully held Skinner close, rubbing her face against the satiny skin of his back, closing her eyes so she could concentrate on her other senses. On the scent of him, warm and male, on the feel of his muscular ass against her stomach, on the planes of his chest and the tightening nipples under her palms.
Mulder was on his knees now, kissing along the line of the scar on Skinner's belly. "You told me once that you were just doing your job." He kissed the spot again. "We all know it's been a lot more than that for a long time." His fingers flexed around the lean hips, soothing, reassuring. "Our jobs prevented us admitting to ourselves how we felt." Scully's breasts brushed over Skinner's back, her hair fell silkily against his shoulder blades, her arms wrapped tight around his waist. "You've risked your career and your life for us too many times to tell us that was just dedication to the job." Mulder looked up at Skinner's sheepish face. He smiled gently. "We haven't always been very appreciative, and we've all had to be circumspect at work, but not here, not any longer." His mouth slid down Skinner's hip and he nudged at a muscled thigh. "Spread your legs a little, Walter." And he sucked Skinner's heavy balls into his mouth.
Skinner shuddered at the bliss of that wet tongue caressing him, marvelling that all the antagonism, the confrontation, the defiance and frustration could be transformed to this. He threaded his fingers through Mulder's hair. Lovely touchable hair. What can they see in me? He asked himself yet again.
As if hearing his unspoken doubts, Scully took up the baton. In between planting kisses in the small of his back, she spoke, so low he could barely hear her:
"It's love, Walter. That's why we're all here now. I loved you even before I trusted you, and it made me see things... askew... sometimes. I said some harsh things to you - we both did, but Mulder understood before me that it was love for you too. Love that made you fear for us and fight for us, and risk yourself... " She buried her face against him and he felt the moisture of tears. It was overwhelming - the emotions this unleashed within him, and it was getting harder and harder to think straight...
Something else was getting harder and harder too, and Mulder was doing things to him... That amazing mouth had shifted to his cock and was sucking at the underside, tonguing the pulsing vein, tightening soft lips around the head, massaging him with wet heat. Skinner spread his feet wider still, and suddenly Mulder's hands were kneading at his ass, holding his pelvis close to that wonderful mouth and leaving handprints on the flesh of his buttocks. Skinner moaned.
Scully watched Mulder's long fingers flex on the cheeks of Skinner's gorgeous butt, then the firm globes were pulled gently apart and Scully didn't hesitate. She slid her tongue along the cleft. Skinner writhed and made a sound that could only be described as a yelp. The powerful muscle mass was spread again and held apart for her and Scully licked again.
Skinner wondered if he was having another out of body experience, because this couldn't be happening to him. Struggling to keep his clutching hands gentle, he pawed blindly at Mulder's bobbing head and rocked back and forth between two incredible sensations. He came with a force that left him barely able to stand and as soon as Mulder pulled away, his shaky legs folded under him, taking them all down to collapse in a sweaty, happy heap.
They lay entwined for a while, catching their breath. Skinner felt guilty and embarrassed that he'd had so much attention, until Mulder whispered against his shoulder "I haven't come so hard since I was fifteen" and Scully drew his hand to her breast to feel her thudding heart, then kissed his damp shoulder.
"Don't fall asleep just yet, Walter. I'm going to run us a bath and phone for some takeout." She stood slowly and grinned down at them. "We've got to look after our love slave." A slender finger trailed down Skinner's cheek and she winked at him.
"We certainly have." Mulder turned Skinner's face towards him and kissed him softly. "Because next time that ass is mine."
Twenty minutes later they were all three ensconced together in the big tub, enveloped in fragrant bubbles and feeding each other Chinese food. Mulder was at one end, with Walter lying back against his chest, and Dana was facing them, her legs draped over Walter's thighs and hugging his hips. She offered him a sliver of water chestnut on her chopsticks and he took it delicately in his teeth and licked his lips. She leaned forward and kissed the drop of oyster sauce from the corner of his mouth then took the morsel of chicken that Mulder held out to her.
They ate with relish, making a game of it. Walter tipped his head back on Mulder's shoulder and let the other man drop bamboo shoots into his mouth. Mulder carefully put a glistening cashew nut on top of Walter's bald head and slurped it up with much kissing. Dana held out an eggroll to Skinner and saw Mulder's eyes widen as Walter's lips closed around it.
"Walter, are you trying to drive me mad?" Skinner nibbled the crisp cylinder further into his mouth and listened to Mulder's erotic moans. Grinning evilly, he showed his white teeth and bit down hard. Mulder nipped at his earlobe.
When the food was gone, they began to wash each other. Walter scooped up suds in his big hands and spread them over Scully's breasts, then rinsed her with handfuls of warm water. Mulder worked shampoo slowly into Skinner's hair and over his scalp, caressing the smooth skin. Scully soaped up a big natural sponge and ran it over Walter's chest in languid circles, teasing his nipples, sliding it down the banded muscles of his abdomen to squeeze the soft rush of bubbles out against his groin. Sliding to the far end of the tub, Scully lifted each of Skinner's legs in turn and lovingly washed his feet.
"I had no idea you had a foot fetish," teased Mulder, his lips against Walter's temple as they lay together.
"I don't, but Walter has such beautiful feet." She kissed each toe, and the sensitive arches.
"You're blushing again, Walter. " Mulder lifted Skinner's massive arm and tenderly lathered his armpit.
Outside the afternoon sun faded to pink dusk then purple twilight, but the three lovers had no sense of the passing of time. After their bath they lay on the bed talking, confessing to all those moments in meetings and case conferences when they'd fantasized about each other, all the times when Mulder and Scully had sat in some dingy motel room talking about Walter while he worried about them alone, back in DC. Skinner was beginning to accept the magic at last. Mulder and Scully watched him with loving gazes, touching him often, and making him blush with their love talk.
One by one, their voices stilled and they drifted off to sleep.
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