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André Filipe Marques Serranho

Personal information
Work experience
Language skills
Complementary formation
Summer jobs
Extracurricular activities
Personal Interests
MBA, International Business Developer
Helsinki, FINLAND

Telephone: +358 (0)50 3277745
e-mail: [email protected]
web site: http://geocities.com/serranho
blog: http://improvedmarketing.blogspot.com

Personal information

Nationality: Portuguese

Date of Birth: June 27th. 1975 in Vale de Santarém, PORTUGAL

Work experience


Xtract Ltd.

Helsinki, Finland

Director, Sales, South Europe and Latin America, formerly Account Manager
  • Responsible for the Telefonica account
  • In charge of business development for social network-based customer behaviour analytics solutions, and establish business partnerships with the biggest mobile operators in Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal) and Brazil.
Since 04/2003

Co-operative Eco-One

Nurmijärvi, Finland

Project Manager / Member of the Board since Jan. 2005
  • In charge of developing international co-operation projects in the area of environmental, safety, and quality management
  • Co-ordinates cross-cultural teams located around the European Union
  • Prepares presentations and final packages in web, print and multimedia format
  • Responsible for establishing and developing business partnerships

Nomovok Ltd.

Espoo, Finland

Operations Lead
  • Responsible for the Nokia account, as manager of technology projects and CRM for key customers
  • Lead a team of software experts in the development of an innovative Internet Tablet mobile communication device
  • Improved the quality of the corporate communication
  • Devised the company’s expansion plan for South America.
Since 08/2000

Productions Super Pinga Produções

Vantaa, Finland

Freelancer Consultant

  • Developed work in the fields of:

Web Publishing;
Graphic Designing;
Translation (technical/commercial).

1999 - 2000

International Office

University of Siena, Italy

International Officer

  • Edited the University's brochures for foreigners;
  • Contacted home and foreign Institutions;
  • Assisted foreign students concerning bureaucracy and lodgement.

Language skills

  • Portuguese, Native;
  • English, Fluent;
  • Italian, Fluent;
  • Castillian (Spanish), Fluent;
  • French, Fluent;
  • Finnish, Conversational;
  • Knowledge of Swedish, German and Russian.
  • Education


    Helsinki School of Economics

    Helsinki, Finland

    International MBA Programme
    • Graduate with Honours
    • Excelled in Business Communication, International Marketing, International Business, Global Branding, and Venture Capital;
    • Winner of the Foundation for Economic Education merit scholarship
    • Worked part-time during the study period
    • 2004 Instituto de Empresa - Madrid, Spain
      Exchange Student (entrepreneurship track)
    1993 - 1999

    I.S.C.T.E. Business School

    Lisbon, Portugal

    M. Sc., Business Management and Administration, specialisation in Marketing

    • Excelled in Information Products Management, Prevision Methods and Communication in Marketing
    • 1997 - 1998 University of Ancona - Ancona, Italy
      Exchange Student of the Faculty of Economy
      , under the SOCRATES/ERASMUS Programme of the European Union

    Dr. Ginestal Machado High School

    Santarém, Portugal

    • Concluded the High School with final mark of 15/20 points (top 25%).

    Complementary formation


    Vantaan Aikuisopisto

    Vantaa, Finland

    Multimedia (Photoshop, Flash, Director and Premiere)

    Helsinki School of Economics

    Helsinki, Finland
    Competitiveness of European Firms (4 cr.)

    Helsingin Seudun Kesäyliopisto

    Helsinki, Finland
    Finnish for foreigners (levels 1 to 4)
    Computer skills:
    • Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows XP, NT, 2000, 98, 95 and 3.1x;
    • Graphic Design: Paint Shop Pro, PhotoShop and PhotoDeluxe, Visio;
    • Microsoft Office XP, 2000 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint;
    • Multimedia: (Macromedia Flash and Director, Adobe Premiere;
    • Internet use: Browsers, Web Editors, FTP, IRC;
    • Languages of Programming: HTML, XML, JavaScript (with Front Page, Arachnophilia, Notepad)
    Referee of Football Association from the Associação de Futebol de Santaré m, Portugal.

    Summer jobs

    Two years

    Municipal Swimming Pools

    Cartaxo, Portugal


    • Assisted the customers;
    • Gave maintenance to the facilities.

    Extracurricular activities

    • Contributor to the Portuguese edition of the book "PUBLICITOR" - Theory and Practice of Promotion in Marketing (Advertising, P.R., and related subjects), by Dr. Vicente Rodrigues and Dr. Pedro Dionísio;
    • Member of the APPM (Associação Portuguesa de Profissionais de Marketing) - Portuguese Marketing Professionals Association;
    • Alumni Member of the ISCTE Local Committee of the AIESEC (Association Internationale d' Ètudiants de Sciences Economiques et Commerciales) in the area of ExChange, with functions, between others, of Contact and Presentation of the Activities of the committee to Companies, and Reception of foreign trainees;
    • Freelancer cartoonist, author of the character "SUPER PINGA";
    • Webmaster of the following Web sites:
    • Contributor to the following Web sites:
    • Founding member of the Lusovex, association dedicated to the study of vexilology of the Portuguese speaking territories;
    • Player and Coach of the Isctinhos Football team, winners of the ISCTE Championship, season 1994/1995, and Champions of the Lisbon Games, season 1995/96;
    • Director, Reporter, Editor and Publisher of the "Sarrafada" - Newspaper of the Isctinhos.


    • Ambitious, passionate, never satisfied, attentive to details;
    • According to others, creative, sociable, amusing, resourceful, perfectionist.

    Personal Interests

  • Learning
  • New Media;
  • Advertising;
  • Reading;
  • Motor sports;
  • Heraldry and Vexilology (Flag Study);
  • Cinema;
  • Gastronomy;
  • Astronomy;
  • History and Ethnology.
  • References

    Leena Pesu
    VP, Analytics & Social Intelligence
    Xtract (Finland)

    Tel.: +358 400 405 244

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Martin Bond
    Manager Country Entries
    Nokia Siemens Networks (Finland)

    Tel: +358 50 4872781

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Jari Niemelä
    HR Development Manager
    Itella (Finland)

    Tel.: +358 40 3535753

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Pasi Nieminen
    Chief Technology Officer
    Nomovok (Finland)

    Tel.: +358 40 7373907

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Risto Tenhunen
    Managing Director

    Keskustie 6

    Tel.: +358 400 94 6612

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Sherron Bienvenu
    Communication Consultant / Director


    Atlanta, Georgia (USA)


    e-mail: [email protected]

    Jukka Laitamäki
    International strategy consultant
    (at McKinsey & Co.)
    - expertise areas: international marketing and global branding


    e-mail: [email protected]

    Alvaro Castells
    e-transformation consultant
    (at McKinsey & Co.)
    - member of the iBest Academy, the Oscars oof the Internet
    - director of the e-business collection of Anaya Multimedia publishers

    Tel.: +34 670587481

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Personal information
    Work experience
    Language skills
    Complementary formation
    Summer jobs
    Extracurricular activities
    Personal Interests

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