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Your benefit
Added value
In a nutshell

Value Analysis


Value Components

Perceived quality
Customer loyalty
Proprietary assets


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* Super Pinga *

Andre' Serranho


About me

I am an enthusiastic MBA with a deep interest in technology, strategy and business development.

Accumulating a long experience as both Communication Consultant and Project Manager in several fields
(including Quality Management and ICT), I had a successful and gratifying work experience in multi-cultural, international teams.

I have been recognised as a fast learner, able to quickly grasp the fundamental concepts of the different industries I am involved with.

That is the motivation itself
—I do enjoy my time while learning!


To build an international career based on marketing, while balancing work and family, responsibility and entertainment.


To deliver value to my employer by gathering as much knowledge possible, and applying it while become the key marketing person in the dynamic, customer-oriented organisation I will work for.

Your benefit

  • Develop or strengthen your company's international position;
  • Add more creativity to your team;
  • Enjoy the services of a skilful, multitalented, motivated, responsible partner;
  • Get that bit of always needed, good old, over-the-edge irreverence.

Added value

  • Ability to integrate departments’ objectives with the overall corporate strategy, focusing on “the big picture”
  • Ability to facilitate regional/global expansion plans, and  to bring an international perspective to local management
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills in English (83rd. percentile GMAT language score) and in five other languages
  • Contagious positive spirit 
  • Creative, entrepreneurial, and target-oriented nature
  •  Analytical skills, and thinking "out of the box" (helped by my international background and experience)
  • Teamwork and networking skills, and experience with leading virtual teams as a project manager

In a nutshell

  • MBA "with Honours" focused on Marketing and Strategy (excelling in subjects such as International Marketing, Global Branding, Corporate Communication, and e-Transformation)
  • Fluency in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Finnish, and knowledge of Swedish, German, and Russian
  • Experience in marketing material creation, in print and web media, using advanced Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing tools
  • Experience in project management
  • Experience in partnership development
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