Ed Boxer's Home Page

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This page is about me and some of my favorite things:
LEGO�, Opera, Boxing and Key West

[My LEGO� Creations] [A Guide to Opera on CD] [Boxing] [Key West] [Links] [Awards]

A little about me. I live in NYC but was born and raised in Northeastern Ohio. I graduated from the Dana School of Music at Youngstown State University with a degree in Music Education with a major in Voice and a minor in Math. When I graduated from college I worked as the Classical District Manager for a chain of record stores in Northeastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. After that I taught elementary and high school instrumental music in Youngstown, Ohio. Later I expanded my education background by working in Human Resources Training and Development - Employee Education.

I met my other half at a Super Bowl Party (49's beat the Bengals) on January 24, 1982, which was also Chinese New Year. He moved in that Friday. This year we celebrated our 25th Anniversary! years.

The photo above was taken in January 2007.

LEGO� - Some of my LEGO� creations and LEGO� links - including 3 "Cool LEGO� Site of the Week" award winners.

Opera - A Guide to Opera on Compact Disc - Recommendations for Operas and Recitals on Compact Disc.

Boxing - Boxing - My passion for boxing and some great boxing photo links.

Key West - Key West - Our ultimate rest and relaxation vacation, along with some spectacular sunrise and sunset photos.

Swimming with the Dolphins - Swimming with the Dolphins at the Dolphin Research Center

Reef Snorkling in Key West - Reef Snorkling in Key West

My Favorite Links - Links - some of my favorite places on the web.

My Homepage has won some awards

[My LEGO� Creations] [A Guide to Opera on CD] [Boxing] [Key West] [Links] [Awards]

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� 1997-2002 [email protected]

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