Hate in its purest form, nostalgic memories of my
Epitaph, written in blood for all those left- left to deny

Recreate for destruction, Retrace your steps
What mistakes have we made today
Killing our future, an accident makes everything ok

Fearful eyes watching in horrified awe, turn astray
Smoldering shells caressing the ground,
their lives justly taken away

Recreate for destruction, Retrace your steps
What mistakes have we made today
Killing our future, an accident makes everything ok

We're so blind, even with two fucking eyes
We can't see, smell, hear, feel, or taste
Until its all in the past, what a mess
What a fucking mess

We're just useless mass adding to what's wrong
We can't realize until our lives are gone

Recreate for destruction, Retrace your steps
What mistakes have we made today
Killing our future, an accident makes everything ok

We're so blind, even with two fucking eyes
We can't see, smell, hear, feel, or taste
Until its all in the past, what a mess
What a fucking mess

Sophisticated bastards
Laugh away, laugh away
While you and the world fade away
Still there's so much to say.

So much off the subject
So odd yet still normal, wrapped in chains

Curiosity seems to be what's most important
Leave it up to the poor to feed the poor
Blinded by so much greed
Forgetting your first priority
(Shepard) Leading his flock, blissfully ignorant sheep
(Shelter) Eroding the rocks, society we cannot keep
(Savior) Pretending to cure, watching you fall from the skies
(Slaughter) Turning man against man, victorless battle of lies

Entrancing fantasy- scorched black earth
Leaving his children in their time of rebirth
Summoning evil from every bowel of Hell
Abandoning followers at that moment, when he fell

Get down on your knees, worship (nothingness)
Ask for blind guidance from this (bastard son)
Enslaved by the lies, false hopes, and (dreams)
of halos, purity and a beautiful release

Spurting blood, with every sinking stake
My mallet seals, humanities fate
Strung high above, naked and torn
We shall kill once more when your king is reborn

Get down on your knees, worship (nothingness)
Ask for blind guidance from this (bastard son)
Enslaved by the lies, false hopes, and (dreams)
of halos, purity and a beautiful release

Reap his loss, cry over his pain
Thick trails of holiest blood, lead to the end
Carry your burden, as they have
Crowned with lies, crucified in sin

Eternal damnation, for your mortal Godsend

Strangle yourself, make a game of your life
Pretend that you're going to be alright
Cut yourself and cut as deep as you can
Another life, Another dead
Wake up and be tortured dont breathe for yourself
Because in war, you're there to die
Torture, strangle, cut, and shoot at yourself
Another life, Another dead

You're like a cop dog, used for protection (alone)
Another tool, make your prediction (unknown)
You're like a cop dog, used for protection (alone)
Another tool, make your prediction

By the time you learn its all too late
Everything you do is for the first time

Robots programmed, specifically to kill
Your last step, your last breath
Caged in animals we do as we will
Do as you will

A loss unprevented
A game never rejected
A thing we all predicted
Live in this war to die
Take a map and draw in your lines
Separations of different kinds
Take a map and draw in your fucking lines
Separations of different kinds

And your dead
Were all fucking dead

Lie to us tell us were all united
A way to keep us all fucking guided
On a wrong path for being blinded
Is separation something that we die for

There is no erasable imaginary line
All these signs of peace in our erasable minds

Lie to us tell us were all united
A way to keep us all fucking guided
On a wrong path of being blinded
Is separation what we fucking die for

There is no erasable imaginary line
All these signs of peace in our erasable minds
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