Forgiving those who hurt us is the key
to personal peace.

-G. Weatherly
If there is to be any peace, it will come
through being, not having.

- Henry Miller
There is no cure for birth and death.
Save to enjoy the interval.

- George Santayana
Happiness is to want what you already have.

- Unknown
Fear less, hope more
Eat less, chew more
Whine less, breathe more
Talk less, say more
Hate none, love all
and all good things will come to you.

- Swedish proverb
Hppiness is not in our circumstances, but
in ourselves.
It is not something we see, like a rainbow,
or feel, like the heat of a fire.
Happiness is something we are.

- John B. Sheerin
The man of pleasure, by a vain attempt to be
more happy than any man can be, is often
more miserable than most man.

- Charles Caleb Colton
A man who knows he is a fool is not a great fool.

- Chuang-Tse
To understand is to forgive, even oneself.

- Alexander Chase
The most difficult thing in life is to know

- Thales
Learn what you are, and be such.

- Pindar
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