The Loner
May '97-still Unfinished

I'm in the midst of many,
And yet I am alone.
Of this great throng not any
Are mine to call my own,
Happy, smiling faces
All around me spin.
I enter many places,
But never am let in.

It is always thus with me.
As I learned long ago,
Mine is a lonely destiny;
I am all I know.

From those who would befriend me,
I turn away in fear.
And all the others that I see
Never come too near.
None have ever known my name;
They know only what they see:
A loner, playing her own game,
Through the world I drift along
Against the current's pull,
Singing my heart's empty song,
Yearning to be full.

It is always thus with me.
As I learned long ago,
Mine is a lonely destiny;
I am all I know.

I want my lonely song to end,
To fill my empty heart.
But Pride won't let me need a friend,
And Fear tears me apart.
I can't admit what I've denied
For so many lonely years.
I can't tell them how much I've cried
For someone to dry my tears.
I'm afraid of letting someone in
And being known too well.
I'm afraid to show the fear within;
I fear more than I can tell.

It is always thus with me.
As I learned long ago,
Mine is a lonely destiny;
I am all I know.

~Robin Rousseau
Shadow Klaw

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