My School
This is Comboni College of Khartoum (the high school).  I study my primary at Villa Gilda school in Khartoum , then the junior intermediate at comboni and the secondary at comboni the high school.  All of them are Italian english schools which prepare  u to London ordinary certificate ( O level), or sudanese  secondary certificate.  U are studying for 10 years for London O level, or 12 years for sudanese  secondary.  There is a playground consists of swimming pool, volley, tabble tennis, football, and basket ball.  Also there is a theatre for the students activities. My school teaches me how to behave a good conduct before I learn and get high marks, and I remember my  headmaster  speech when he saw fighting with someone in class that the comboni student never ever behave like this and u are dissmissed  3 days shafie for your conduct and will be  written in the black list. It was fine for me because these 3 days I come as that I am not dissmissed and staying outside the  school until my father come at 1:30pm to take me back home.  Oh i forget blacklist means that if u are written again u will not retain to school unless your father come.....and u can imagine what happens if my father come, it is a bad dream.
Anther emtion in my live was the boyscouts, it is a non political commiunity teaches u,  how to behave well, depend upon yourself, makes friends allover the world.  U can learn how to build atent, cook, live in a forest for a couple of days, communicate with other scouts by known signals, using rope for different purposes and be smily as u can.
My School and Friends
My school Activities
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