Here are some fiction stories. Eventually there will be more up, I hope. Unfortunately I don't finish fiction that quickly.

Inspired by Leon Uris' "Trinity". It was actually a project for my Writer's Craft class in OAC. The finished product was hand written on paper that I aged myself and tied with twine. Authentic looking, to say the least, and also a lot of work. I received an A+.

Harlequin Superromance: Love of the Irish
This was an assigment from my Writer's Craft class (as if I'd actually willingly write a Harlequin novel), but it actually turned out well. It was my story line and characterizations, and my sister's ability to write in the Harlequin genre,that got this one going. Again, we've got the Irish in here.

She Wasn't a Soldier
A story of the Easter Rising in Dublin in 1916. I'm not happy with the dialogue, so I'm sure you'll be seeing revamping of this one. But I DO really like the story. I wrote this when I was 17 years old.

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