To whatever this page is.

I started this as a place for my writing, but there are also links to information that I find interesting, and a little page about me. I'll also include anything else I enjoy. Be afraid, be very afraid. My interests are far and wide, and often highly geeky.
Anyways, enjoy your stay.

Man oh man, it's been a while since I've updated! Basically I fell of the earth. I don't have the 'net, so it's a bit difficult to update anything...but what can ya do? I've updated my about me page, so check it out. That's about it.

Updated the front page. You can see it if you scroll down. :)

Updated the non-fiction section (actually, I did that this weekend, but forgot to put the link on the non-fic page. Oops!). Frugal Yule, an article I wrote for Witchvox, is now up there.

Updated the Politics section, with links, pictures and news clippings from my campaign, and just generally polished it up.

Added another poem--"Those People". I was inspired by Larry DiIanni, wondering who he's referring to whenever he sneers "those people", if there is a protest, demonstration, or an outcry about something council does, he always says "Those people"--and whatever complaint he has about them.

I can't believe I haven't updated in nearly a year! I hope to update and maybe do some housecleaning with this site really soon! (Maybe next weekend).
Anyhow, there is a new poem called "Cuchulainne's Lament", and the beginning of a fiction story called "She Wasn't a Soldier"...both were written at the tender age of 17. I hope to continue reworking these pieces, so keep checking back.

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You'll find some poetry, commentary, news articles, stories, rants, and more by me.

My views on politics, and after my nomination for council goes in, updates on my campaign.

Here you'll find links to everything from information on my hometown, Hamilton, to Ireland, writing, authors, politics and anything else that catches my attention.

A little about me. All those little useless tidbits you were dying not to know.

A section with quotes, lyrics, poems and other stuff by other people. All should be credited with links, if not, email me and let me know if I forget anything.

publicpower news

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Feel free to email me with thoughts, ideas, anything you want to contribute to the writing section, or a link you'd like to see up. The addy is [email protected].

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you.
--Rita Mae Brown

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