Here is where news stories, essays, rants, etc. will be kept. There may be some crossing over with the Politics section.

Frugal Yule
This was an article I wrote, which was published on Witchvox: The Witches' Voice, concerning Pagan gift giving for the Holidays.

Festivals Cut?
Another letter to the editor at the Spectator. Check it out. And if you care, email me and I'll send you contacts to email and bitch at.

Sports Stories
Yep, I was briefly a sports reporter at the Sheridan Sun. Enjoy the "kinda sports" stories I did. I was glad to be out of that position!

Bob Wade--A Good Mayor???
A brief commentary on Bob Wade that I entered for the Hamilton Spectator's Community Editorial Board.

War With Iraq Vs. War At Home
A brief commentary about the war with Iraq and how it should make us take a look at home.

Just a short rant because my sister actually got called by a man she gave her number to! *gasp* The shock!

Letter to the Editor: Homeless
A letter I wrote to the editor at the Hamilton Spectator after reading numerous letters saying how the homeless and teenagers who frequent the core of the city have in essence ruined it. This is the original version, so we shall see how the Editors at The Spec change it. It should be published 03/29/03. Updated 03/29/03-added the version actually in The Spec. Click here to see the letter on The Spectator's webpage.

PPD Press Release
Pagan Pride Day Hamilton Press Release for the silent auction held 03/28/03. Unfortunately, I didn't make the auction, but I did write and send out the press release!

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