SPD patch

Alan's Police Pages Images
To copy these images to your hard drive:If you're using Netscape or MSIE, just click on the image using your right mouse button, and choose "Save Image As". If you're using a browser that doesn't work that way (AOL), click on the image to bring it up on your screen, then from the File menu click "save as". Upload the image file to the same directory as your home page, then copy and paste the code accompanying each image to your page. The image will then appear on your page, as a link to Alan's Police Pages

This is the standard banner, which everyone is welcome to copy and use as a pointer to Alan's Police Pages.

Here is another banner, to copy and use as a pointer to Alan's Police Pages.

And another banner, to copy and use as a pointer to Alan's Police Pages.

And yet another banner, to copy and use as a pointer to Alan's Police Pages.

Terms of use: Images may not be modified without permission. Images must be used as a link to Alan's Police Pages main page. Web masters must copy the file to their own servers, and not link to the images on Alan's Police Pages server.

Click here to return to my homepage

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