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shevette's bonding with Master Chris!

(AKA Sir Chris)
----Written by Master Chris----

My bonding day! We�re at our favourite D/s club, kitten. People are milling about. All of the owned subs are collared, some leashed to their Masters or Mistresses, some are allowed to move freely about. Dominants are clearly defined, by some combination of dress, black-coloured clothing, or a prop such as a paddle or crop. You and I are visiting with other members, but even though you�ve been serving me as my slavegirl for this long, your neck is still bare - at least for the moment.

Some are aware that music has started playing in the background. There�s still ten minutes or so before everything begins.

I find you across the room, engaged with j and another submissive in conversation. Placing my hand on your arm I say "kitten." Only one word, but it commands your attention. Turning to me I say to you "Last chance, little girl."

You look deeply into my green eyes and smile. "I�m not going anywhere, Master."

I smile back at you. "Good girl." Then, excusing us from your friends, "Go get ready, kitten."

Excitedly you throw your arms around me and kiss me, deeply. Our tongues find each other for a fleeting moment before you and j disappear into an adjoining room. I catch up to my friend, another Dominant, and together we make for the front of a small stage.

"Will everyone please gather around!" the D/s club president calls from the centre of the stage. "Slaves will kneel, owned slaves will kneel at their Dominant�s feet."

There is a shuffling in the room while everyone gets into place to witness the ceremony. I stand with my friend at the foot of the stage, with him carrying a small satchel containing what I'll need for the ceremony.

As the music nears the end you and j approach us. Your hands are clasped in front of you. If there is an eye in the room, it is trained on you, as you wear little more than bikini-style top and bottoms made of soft, tan-coloured leather.

Being led down the aisle j leads you to us on a length of chain locked loosely around your neck. Everyone, and no one more intensely than me, watches you both approach us, and when you are beside me j unlocks the chain from around you and moves to stand by your left side.

"My friends," begins the club president, "we have called this special meeting to witness the bonding of Sir Chris and his sub, shevette. They have been together and learned from each other, and now wish to publicly make their relationship official by signing their contract and exchanging their vows of commitment."

He turns to me. "Has your mind or intent changed to have shevette�s complete submission to you?"

In a firm, strong voice I reply. "No, it has not."

...To you he asks, "shevette, are you under any threat or coercion to follow through with this ceremony?"

"No Sir, I�m not." You try to repress a smile, your happiness at being taken by me as your Master plain to see in your big beautiful eyes.

He continues. "You are willingly giving up your freedom to Sir Chris. Do you understand this?"

You nod. "Yes Sir, I do."

Club president Turning his attention from us to the crowd, "This woman shevette is showing her devotion to this man by willingly giving herself to him. This is not only her body, but also her mind and heart as well. As of now, in front of these witnesses, shevette has no freedom or rights; only privileges her Master can either grant or deny."

"Sir Chris, are you willing to take on the responsibility of owning this woman?"

"I am." I answer.

"Do you promise," he says, "to protect her, to keep her in a safe, sane, and consensual manner?"

I look at you and smile before I look at our club president. "Yes, I do."

"slave shevette," he turns to you. "Do you promise to obey your Master fully, accept his judgment and discipline when he warrants, to be his property, and fulfill his needs and commands?"

"Yes Sir, I do."

The president lowers his cards; this part he knows by heart. "shevette, you will kneel."

Slowly you kneel in front of us, more importantly in front of me. My friend opens his satchel and removes a leather collar with a silver roller buckle. Embossed on the front in gold in the name SHEVETTE.

"Sir Chris, please place the collar around shevette�s throat."

Owned property! j moves your hair for me, and you feel the dyed leather caress your neck as I bring the hasp through the strap and attach the padlock with a definitive click!.

j lets your hair cascade around your shoulders. She and I both step back, admiring you and your new symbol of ownership - MY ownership, kitten!

Proudly, happily, you smile, it�s all legal, so to speak. You�re a collared slave.

The D/s club president extends his hands toward us and addresses everyone. "Dom/mes and slaves, I give you Master Chris and his slave shevette."

Amidst the applause I lean down to you and cup your face in my hands, raising your head until your eyes meet mine. "You are mine, kitten!"

Quietly, "I am yours, Master."

And my mouth melts into yours, our tongues entwining for a brief moment before I snap your chain leash to your new collar and give an upward tug, signaling you to stand and we face the tiny crowd celebrating in our bonding as Master and slavegirl.

I remove the handcuffs from my belt. Gathering your arms I bring your hands together and lock them inside, holding onto your wrists and giving the cuffs one extra click, just the way you like it!

...and I watch your reaction as you feel what you�ve felt so many times in private but now in front of a crowd of our friends and peers. I catch a brief whiff of arousal from you, telling me our reception should be brief! Taking a long scarf I tie it between your teeth; more symbolic than as an actual gag, but it leaves your mouth available for anyone who might like to kiss the newly-collared slave, and it gives me the piece of mind to know that no one�s going to try to slip their tongue into my property! Owned property!

Owned property!

i am now owned property! Take good care of me Master Chris...
i will you...

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