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j's broken leg

Here's what happend:

She was coming home from the store. It was rainy. We still have wierd weather due to el nino. It's hot and dry then we get these evening thundershowers that are frequently quite severe though short-lived. One of these had just passed and it was raining just a bit as darkness fell. j had hung around town for as long as she could before trying the road home. Everything was fine until she turned onto some of the smaller roads that we have to use to get to the house. As she came around a sharp curve there was a fallen tree in the road. She wasn't going that fast but there was nowhere to go. She hit the tree with the left front of the car. Damage was not too severe and she was alright at this point. She had to leave the car and walk to a nearby house to use the phone. She called a friend of ours who owns a wrecker to come get her. He was there in about 15 minutes and got the car all loaded up. They were getting into the wrecker when the guy asked j for her keys so he could take her car out of gear. She walked around to where he was sitting in the drivers seat of her car to hand him the keys when cable on the wrecker broke and pitched her car to one side. The car fell and hit her right leg, breaking it. They didn't know that. All j and the guy knew was her car had fallen and knocked her down. He got her into his truck and checked to be sure that she was ok. She said she thought she was. By the time he had resequered the car and got her home she was having doubts so she got him to carry her to the emergency room. In the meantime i had gotten off work and got home to find her car in the yard and no one home. i was a little worried until i saw the dent in the front of her car then i got a lot worried. i went back outside to see how bad it was and if she was in the car or something when i heard the phone ring. It was the guy telling me what happened. i think i broke several land speed records and all trafic regulations getting to the hospital to find that they had her patched up and were holding her for observation. i went in and saw her for a bit but she was out of it on some kind of pain medication so i stayed until she dozed off and went to find a doctor or something. He told me what was broken and that it was a simple fracture, she'd have a really nasty bruise for awhile but she'd be fine. She came home yesterday wearing a cast - one of those blow-up things. She's been in good spirits throughout it all except when she thinks of her car. It looks kinda normal from the front but from a three quarter angle you can see that it's permanetly set to go around right hand corners only - or at least easier than left hand corners. Maybe they can fix it, that's what i tell her. The guy with the wrecker knows where to get cheap used cars so maybe it's time to retire this one. It's not an Edsil, but it kinda looks like one - now!

Here's what this means to you, the site visitors, i won't be around as much as usual. i'll try to keep the site going, but please, please hold off on the mail! i beg you! If you want to write something short to j, wishing her well and speedy recovery, that's fine. i'll make hardcopies and give them to her.

Maybe on the weekends i'll be able to come by and answer a little mail and catch up on some pic requests (assignments are on hold until j is all better!). If you write don't be surprised if you don't get a reply. If things get too far behind i WILL purge all letters. j is real. This site is something that i love doing, but j comes first!

i will post how j is doing so all her friends will know what's up. Gotta go... feeding time, with LOTS of TLC!


Hi! Thanks for all the great letters to j. i have been carrying home an armload of hardcopies to her everyday. It cheers her up and she reads them over and over. She gets embarrased sometimes but she reads those kind of letters extra slow and smiles a lot!


I hope it is safe to start writing again. Please wish j. well for me. Is the tow truck company going to pay for the hospital etc.? They should, it was their cable that broke.

I guess this puts my request on hold for awhile. Let me know when you are up for trying something new or perhaps not so new.

Hi Sir Bxxx!

Actually that wouldn't be fair to sue the guy. He did it on his own time for free for j (he would have done it for free for me too). He's a friend and we don't sue friends. Actually he's going to help j get another car, a nice one. That's how we do things in the country. We don't make lawyers rich.

Hope you're not a lawyer! Giggle. Lawyers have thier place, but not between friends.

i only get about an hour a day behind a computer. i am trying to use what computer time i get to work on pics that are due out, pages i'm helping people with, working on my site, and fetching 'get well wishes' for j. Long conversations are out for the time being and so are assignments. i will continue with them as soon as possible.

Thank you for your letter and i hope you don't mind me using it on the site. You are most kind and considerate to ask before sending a long mail. j will be glad to hear that you asked about her.

Master Chris' slave shevette

[ response to an assignment to gag myself with my panties...]

Ok, left your request on my desktop but didn't forget it last night. Went home and got a shower. j was watching tv as i got her a snack. My Master, Master Chris has gotten suddenly all excited recently and loaded me down with some assignments. Not the big kind, just simple do-everyday kind.

When i go to the store i have to put some walnuts in my mouth and use them kind of like a gag. If i get caught it's just a matter of explaining that i like the way the shells taste (after i unload my mouth) - actually i think they have a breath freshener quality.... Anyway, when i'm at home i have to keep naked and when i sleep i have to wear my handcuffs. i like them in back but if i really need the sleep i wear them in front.

j knows about this and doesn't like for me to sleep alone tied up. Before she got hurt it was ok but now she says it just makes her worry about me. She needs the company anyway.

i was making some popcorn for j and thought about you so i slipped on a pair of panties, a little white pair - black sometimes has a taste and i would want to ruin my walnut-fresh breath, right? Giggle.

We ate some popcorn and watched tv. Somewhere i mentioned to j what assignment i had planned for the night. i think she asked why i wasn't undressed. So she tells me to get something to tie the panties in my mouth and my handcuffs then she handcuffs my hands behind me and slips the panties from my backside, stuffs 'em in my mouth and ties them tightly in place with a bandana. i was already a bit wet and could taste myself on the panties. j wasn't going to let me just lie there....

We watched the rest of the movie as j held me close to her and kind of let her fingers roam. i'm just now begining to learn to love a gag. Until 6 months ago i never realized that a gag would allow me to say all the things i always wanted to say without being heard, getting into trouble, or embarassing myself. Anyway i was telling her to stick her fingers in deeper and having myself a good time being as naughty as i wanted to be when the movie went off and she devoted her entire attention to me. Whuf! What that girl can do with her mouth! Meow! She made me a very happy slave!

We played strenoiusly for about an hour with her giving me stimulation for a bit then me stimulating her with my fingers reaching behind me as she held me in a tight embrace and licked my ear and neck. A good time was had by all! Giggle. When we were both spent we continued and then when we were worn to a frazzle we tried to go on and when we couldn't she turned out the light, removed the gag and we kissed for awhile before blissfully dropping off to sleep.

When the alarm went off we both woke up and she teased me a bit about not untying me so i could go to work. We played a bit more then i had to get going. She freed my hands and i darted to the bathroom and did my bussines then i came and got her so she could do hers. Suddenly it was a madhouse as i rushed to get myself ready and j set for the day - or at least until her cousin came by to keep her company.

Later i called her from work to check on her and she told me that when her cousin got there the handcuffs were laying under the covers and the bandana with my soaked panties had been hidden under her pillow most of the day.

....and that's how a slave knocks out an assignment in the country!
It was a simple one but still an enjoyable assignment.

Kisses Master Chris' slave shevette

[NOTE: Almost the very next assignment is for me to gag myself with a locking gag and go out in public for three hours. Things being what they are i had to explain that i couldn't do that and asked for another assignment to do in place of the first one. The request was kindly changed to doing it at home. Here's what happened...]

i was pretty glad that i had gotten off without a punishment and that the gentleman had written back with an assignment within my personal ability to do. That and i figured that i get another night like the one before.

When i got home i checked in on j. She was fine and the cousin was no where in sight. i excused myself and got a shower. It had been a long hard day and the warm water splashing on my body relaxed me nicely.

Now niether j nor myself own a real locking ball-gag but i can be inventive when needed and i do have a fair amount of hardware around for making 'devices' from time to time. i figured a rubber ball (yes, i have a few of 'em laying around the house) could have a hole poked in it and a chain run through it to make what i needed. i'd have to use a chain so i could lock it with one of the tiny padlocks i have. i dried myself off and went to my bedroom to make my locking gag. It came out rather well, i had dabbled at this sort of thing before except using a leather thong instead of a chain.

In j's bedroom i presented myself with the new gag and asked her to put it on me. The response was not quite what i expected....

"Silly slave!" j chastised me.

"Please!" i begged in true slave fashion. "It's important!" and i explained about the assignment i had begged out of and why i just had to comply with this one.

"i'm not really in the mood for this tonight, shevette." she complained.

i started to reply but she looked like she had something else to say so i waited.

"Very well, get your 'cuffs and kneel before the bed." she ordered with a kind of an impish smile.

i hesitated. Not wanting to impose on her if she wasn't feeling good. When i opened my mouth to speak she quickly snapped her fingers and made a motion that told me to get busy and do as she had told me, Not understanding her mood fully i still got up and got out two pair of handcuffs (one pair for my hands and one for my feet). When i returned to the side of her bed she leaned over and put the handcuffs on me with my hands behind my back and my feet together - just like the pevious night pretty much. Butterflies were churning inside my tummy as she put the gag into my mouth and secured it tightly with the chain and padlock - very tightly. i was still kneeling beside her bed.

"My cousin went to the store to get some bread. We tried to call you before you left work but you must have been on the net. You didn't bother to call before you came home so i think you deserve what is going to happen to you tonight!"

i turned my head and looked at her in mild disbelief. i have been doing good by her!

"Now get your butt in the closet and hide before my cousin comes back. You can stay out here if you want, but i think you'd rather stay in the closet until the coast is clear, huh?"

i nodded my head in agreement.

"Git!" j ordered me, "my cousin is due back at any momment!"

Eyes wide with fear of discovery i made as good time as i could to the closet.

"Shut the door, silly!" j told me.

At least i could sense the merriment in her voice. i had been concerned that she was upset with me. i did my best to close the door behind me but it was hard and i heard a car pull up outside! Frantically i did my best to get the door shut but it was a losing battle. i heard the car door slam shut! "Help!" i cried through the gag, which came out something like, "Mmmalphm!" The back door of the house was being opened. It's right next to the bedroom door and j's cousin would be able to step into her bedroom in seconds!

j motioned me into the closet and slid to the edge of her bed and gave the door the a push slamming it shut as i clambered over her shoes and what all. i leaned against the back wall of the closet for something to keep me from falling over. i heard a voice, j's cousin! Her cousin wanted to know where i was. j said something about a friend on mine picking me up at the house and she asked her cousin to stay and have supper with her until i got back.

The little hussy! She planned to keep me tied up in the closet for who knew how long! i'd get her for this! i waited until her cousin, it sounded like, went into the kitchen and began running water in the sink to start supper before i tried to silently ease myself down into a laying position to wait it out.

It was a long long time and the cousin still seemed to be there. It was hard to tell. They had the tv in j's room on and just when i was sure the last car door closing outside was the cousin leaving i'd hear one of them say something to the other in the bedroom. Once i was sure i heard j asking her cousin to not leave until i had returned because she wasn't feeling well at all and didn't want to be alone.

i was sure she was teasing me! The rat!

Several programs came on and went off (including a full movie!) before the tv went off. Finally! i was tired and achey from the tangled up position i was laying in. j's shoes did not make a very comfortable bed at all! There was one spiked heel trying to perform some kind of surgical procedure on my hip. i lstened intently to the sudden quiet. i was about to call out to j when i heard her talking again - to her stupid cousin! We still weren't alone! "What if her cousin spends the night!" i worried. i would have to fall alseep sometime, not something i wanted to do with a gag in my mouth!

"....actually shevette's been here all along..." i could hear j explaining. "...she's in the closet. Go open the door. You'll see!"

What!? After i'd spent the better part of the night tied up and gagged in her closet she was going to expose me! Well so be it! i was doing this for her. i don't care if people know i'm into bondage. i was doing this for her bennifit! Kinda, the idea of her cousin knowing didn't and doesn't sit too well with me.... Could be a problem later on...

i jumped as i heard the door knob on the closet being turned. i wanted to curl up and hide, i didn't even breathe as the door was opened fully.

i heard j laughing that laugh of hers and slowly turned my head to see what would happen next...

She was alone in the room! The cousin had left hours ago. She had done all of this just to teach me a lesson. Not to always expect her to be in the mood for some of my bondage shinanigans. She was right! It's gotta be consensual!

She's healing up fast and doing fine, i guess you can tell. i sure will be glad when she's all well - i've got a few lessons i'd like to teach her, there's a closet in my bedroom too! giggle


A trip to the potty.

The back of her t-shirt says,
"He's a bag-boy!"
and has a pic of
as a foxy older gentleman
bagging groceries!


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