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For All of us Lock-Ups

Let's all get together, guys, gals, Tops, and bottoms and form a place to spout off.

New stuff! Finally! There's a section on the great assignments you've been sending in and some reader input (pics, stories, and comments!)

Ok, been awhile since i've done my assignments so it's time! included in this text are the commands that i made a hardcopy of to take home for me and j to go over. Wow! i really get tied up this time! My stomach is already doing flips!

It's friday night. The computer is down at work (trouble with the phone lines) so i have the time. Time is right, looks like this is going to take all night and part of tomorrow!

From my Master:


Being the good slave that i am (or try to be) i've been doing the above pretty regular except for the gag. Sometimes i get home pretty late and go straight to bed. The handcuffs i can deal with but sleeping with a gag on is a no-no. j has not taken too much advantage of the fact that i'm wearing handcuffs pretty much all the time when i'm at home. Ha! She wears hers around the house a lot too. If somebody ever popped in the door they wouldn't know what they had walked in on! Not to worry, i keep the door locked. Always have...

Oh yeah, the doggie collar... i wear it nearly constantly. It has a nice little hole in the tab thingie for the hasp so it could be locked on - if i can ever find a lock that small!

Ok, it's late saturday afternoon and here's what happened:

(i'm inculding excerps from the commands themselves)
(the names have been X'd to protect the innocent?)

(Some of the roughest stuff comes from people i)
(have made friends with on the net!)

(Don't think them unkind, they know i like to get)
(really tied up when i get tied up!)

(Go figure)

"Reply-To: [email protected]
I would very much appreciate it if you were bound with a multitude of colorful silk scarves.
I think it would be a good idea if you were scarf gagged while you do the picture to help the mood. I want you to pick out your sexiest panties and pack them into your mouth. Then cleave gag yourself with a scarf. Then fold another scarf into a wide band and tie this one over your mouth.
A headscarf would be good after this to keep the gag from slipping.
Its a shame not to blindfold you but I guess it would be a little hard to draw.
Hopefully you and J are going to have some wonderful bondage experiences this weekend. If so, do me a favor and gag J extra tight for me.

This one seemed to be a good warm-up so we did this one first. There was no time put forward so we just winged it. Both j and i want to always (pretty much) be the bottom we decided to let her take this assignment. Since j is in training so to speak i watch out for her by not giving her too much too fast. We are still finding what she can take and what's too much for her right now. She is growing fast so what may be a little more than she can handle today might be just right for her tomorrow.

i do not cut her too much slack though. When i tie her up it's to the best of my ability!

We read the assignment and gathered up as many scarves as we could. She had none at my place and i had three. We added some rope and the belts from her bath towel and mine too. She wanted to get undressed but i insisted that she wear streach jeans, tennies, and a pretty pink blouse with some lace around the collar and the sleeves. She looked cute enough to eat!

Always start with the hands! i tied them crossed behind her back with some rope then i marched her into her bedroom to pick out what pair of panties would be her gag. They were clean. A tiny pair of black bikini style panties that fit in her mouth all too easily. i was tempted to stuff the matching bra in there too, but remembered that she would be tying me up later. Life is a compromise. i refered to the instructions and used one scarf to hold her panties tightly in her mouth and another scarf over the first. The second one was pretty big so i was able to wrap it all the way around her head and tie it over her mouth. She could make sounds and that's about it.

i marched her into the living room and sat her down in the middle of the floor. One terry bathrobe sash went around her ancles and the other around her knees. i tied a rope to an elbow and went around front with it to the other side and looped it around the other elbow back around front to the first elbow. Since i had plenty of rope i kept going from one elbow to the other each time in front. She had her chest right in the way so i looped over them once then below them then i criss-crossed them. That had to feel bad enough to feel real good. Each time my hand brushed against one of them it felt pretty good to me and j would jerk or moan.

Since i had been touching them anyway and j had responded so nicely i kinda felt them up a bit. i even pinched the tips to see how well her gag was working. It worked nice and j was using the fact that she could say anything that she wanted to without me being able to understand her. i refered back to the notes and added the last scarf over her eyes then i pushed her over onto her side and let her steam a bit and i read aloud the next assignment:

"Return-Path: [email protected]
...opportunity to have you kidnapped by some of your friends that know what your into. That you'd be bound and gagged, wearing some skimpy little panties, and spirited off in the backseat, or perhaps trunk of a car. You'd be taken to someplace where your captors would await the ransome demands be met, and while they're waiting, they'd see how much pleasure you could take. I know this isn't overly specific, and I wouldn't put any time constraints on it because I'm sure it would take some time to set up. Of course if you don't get a chance to do this, then you'd need to be punished by maybe 30 minutes or so of tickling, somehow I don't think that would be a problem, lol."

i laughed and told her that i could just take her and put her in the trunk of my car then drive out to the country (about 2 feet) and pull open the trunk and tickle her until... whenever. It would be fair to tickle-torture some piece of information out of her. If i made her tell me the truth she would get the next assignment too, if she tricked me then i would get it. She was ready to be untied, or be brought to climax one....

Naw.... next time. i read ahead to the next assignment and it kind of fit in with what we had already....

Return-Path: [email protected]
Not really ordered, more of cordially asked if you and j ever considered hog-tying first one of you, either with rope, old nylons, leather straps or handcuffs; and then the other one hog-tying herself with the handcuffs. If this is not too dangerous, (having a partner who is there, but is tied up also), I'd order you to try it, with one more order, that you position each other so you can tickle each other's feet, until one girl gives.
The race was close to what I requested, and I was happy to recive your file of filled requests, and even happier to find my request within your limits. I'm like that, if I'm not certain an order is within limits, I'll ask if the girl will try it first, and the next time make it an order. I'm not sure how ticklish either of you are, or how much tickling you can stand, this is one way of way of helping me find that out, so the next time time I can order one of you to be tickled for a set period of time.

-----------break in request for comments--------------

How long should we do this for? [email protected] you know who you are.

i could hogtie myself and then have a tickle-fest with j but for how long? How do we know when to quit? Would we get playful and keep at it until we were so sore that we HAD to quit or what? It was tempting...

Me withstand temtation? Naw! So i explained it to j, took the long end of the sash around her anckles and tied it to the rope between her wrists then i went to get some handcuffs for me. i could have just handcuffed my ancles together and then loop the chain for my hand handcuffs through that and been hogtied but that wouldn't have been fair for me, right? i would be at too much of a disadvantage, huh? So i used legirons for my feet and my favorite pair of handcuffs for my hands. To be sure i was being fair i put them on extra tight!

We manuvered around and got to tickeling each other. i remembered the "Race" j and i had so i was kinda careful. She can be very cunning at times! i wondered what it would have been like if an extra pair of handcuffs had been used to lock one of my wrists to one of j's. As it was whenever one of us got enough we could retreat for a momment to get our breath back. It was hard work and i was damp with perspiration in no time. Rule of thumb: when begining some bondage play TURN THE HEAT DOWN! On the thermostat, in the house. Yeah, that one!

i can't give you a play by play on this one. At times the action was furrious and at other times we just lay on the floor and rested a bit. i should'a removed j's gag. i don't think that she had any serious problems with it interfering with her breathing, but i worried just the same. We gave it a good go for maybe 15 minutes then called it off. i was pretty anxious to get down to some stimulation on another part of my body anyway, so was j....

i found the keys and freed myself them j. We laughed a bit then hugged and before that could turn into something i got the piece of paper and read the remainder of the request....

----break in comments for continuation of request----

You mentioned you liked being tied tight, but couldn't always stand to have your ankles cuffed, because of the cold steel. Here's an idea that will help tie your legs nice and tight and keep you warm and also let you know you aren't going to have sex until your partner undoes you a little.

Step one, double over a pair of pantihose one size larger than you'd normally wear, so that there is now just a single leg.
Step two, thread a rope through where they double over into each other.
Step three, put both your legs into the single leg.
Step four, tape around the ankles or knees if desired, and tie the rope off so it prevents you from from sliding the pantihose off your body.

It will certainly keep you warm, sometimes too warm.
This method can also be used to build a cheap single glove (use a pantihose one size smaller than you normally wear for a glove) It can also be used over rope bindings to prevent the untying of knots or to enforce a feeling of helplessness.

(Bound with soft rope at the wrists, knees and ankles, and with some light twine at your big toes; Arms and legs encased in a now sweaty double shroud of dark nylon stocking, with brightlly colored tape outside the nylons pinioning you further, you have only three more minutes until the news goes off, and if you aren't loose by then, Ixx's going to tickle you until the eleven o'clock report)

[email protected]

Ok, my turn! We got up drank some wine (to further loosen the inhibitions and cool off). j killed the heat and we both got undressed. j tied my hands behind me first then got me to volunteer some pantihose. She laid out a sheet on the floor and sat me in the middle of it before continuing tying me up. She did it all! My big toes, above and below my ancles, above and below my knees, my thighs, and above and below my elbows with my elbows touching! i was one tied up slave! The advantage of tying her up first!

Then we began trying to get the pantihose on me. i had to help alot, especialy when it came to squeezing them over my hips. Gosh, were my legs ever held TIGHTLY and completely. Never felt anything like that before in my life! Oh that felt sooooo gooood! i was squirming around on the floor when j went and got some more pantihose and began slipping them over my arms. Whee! Whoie! Just a quick note: they kept trying to slide back down my arms so j got a clean ashtray and put them inside the pantihose and tied a rope around it then brought the rope over my shoulders down in front under the br__st on the side away from that shoulder then back to the ashtray somehow, back over the other shoulder, under the other br__st, back and tied off the rope.

Yes it was hot! Good one [email protected]! J, bless her happy litle heart, then played with my Br__sts until she had to stuff the panties we had used earlier into my mouth! i let them stay in for a bit and enjoyed the feeling of being so completely helpless then spat them out and burried my face in her lap, making good use of my tongue. She was wet wet wet! i slurped up everything i could as she built to a glorious multiple orgasm then she slipped down my pantihose in front and used her tongue and her fingers to bring forth the fire and ice in my overheated little body as she straddled my face and i thankfully did everything for her that i could.

...Until we were two little puddles on the floor..... (Sheesh!)

Return-Path: [email protected]

please gag you with a black pantyhose blindfoldtou with another and put the last one like mask on your head and stay kneeling arms behind your back...
No pity for you slave, kneel and keep your hands behind your back and low your eyes, you will stay all this night hancuffed feet and hands and put your pantyhose on your face!
and works!
Master Dxxxxxxxxxx

This one seemed to fit. Kinda a punishment though...

j read it to me and we decided to put another pair of hose over my head and call it a night. She hadn't untied me yet. While i doubted that i could stand having my arms so tightly tied behind me we could do it as long as i could stand it and then release me for the remained of the night. We didn't discuss if just my hands would be freed or just my elbows or what. j put the hood of one stocking over my head and i knelt as she got us pillows and another sheet. She wipped me off and turned down the lights.

i did pretty good. Maybe three hours with my elbows touching before i woke up and the pain got too bad. Finally, with much trouble, i managed to get j awake. She pulled down our home-made arm-binder and freed my elbows and it was almost as good as sex!

j got the assignment sheet. She had been having sweet dreams...

Return-Path: [email protected]
"Alright then, turn around and put your hands behind you." You probably expect me to tie them praying, in the small of your back. What I'd rather do is borrow from the Japanese and tie your arms with each wrist at the oppposite elbow, and tie your upper arms into your body with ropes passing above and below your breasts; Cross the rope between your breasts, and knot it there. for good measure I'd cinch the rope where your arms and body touch, and run a line from the middle of your forearms to the body cords.You can rotate your wrists, flex your fingers, shrug your shoulders, and stare all you want at the knot placed in the middle of your chest, but you're not going to get loose like that.

Similarly I'd tie your legs in a half lotus postion (each ankle to the opposite knee, one leg atop the other.) All I need do is prop some pillows behind you, lean you back gently, sitck my head through the triangle your legs form, letting your calves rest on my shoulders and I can now kiss your, um, lap, untill you pass out from it. (The leg tie is fairly comfortable, sitting; its use in a hogtie would be for nothing but punishment or interrogation.)

I remain, yours,
Who kisses your, um, lap.

i've turned her into a monster!

Since this assignment involved licking and such we agreed that i would remain a prisoner even after being freed so we could get a quick hot shower together. Actually i never had the chance to get free. She put handcuffs on me before removing the ropes!

We got our shower, together, with only a little horseplay then she led me to her bedroom after a quick stop in the living room to pick up enough rope to do the job. She tied my legs first then ran a rope from the center of my calfs to the collar i wear always on my neck to keep me bent over while my wrists were tied to my elbows. She removed this rope afterwards and used it to "and tie your upper arms into your body with ropes passing above and below your breasts; Cross the rope between your breasts, and knot it there. for good measure I'd cinch the rope where your arms and body touch, and run a line from the middle of your forearms to the body cords" as per instructed.

Again, i was really really tied up. At least this way my shoulders got a little break.

Following instructions j "All I need do is prop some pillows behind you, lean you back gently, sitck my head through the triangle your legs form, letting your calves rest on my shoulders and I can now kiss your, um, lap, untill you pass out from it"

Oh yas! It works! i slept like a baby (still japanese-tied) till after the sun came up. Time for another shower, some wine and the next "assignment"!

Return-Path: [email protected]
I hope you find that actually doing this is as fun as it sounds - I would never ask you to do something that wasn't fun :-)
Note: You will need j's help for this.
You will also need:

Take off all your clothes, and wash up. Lay down on the bed on your back and spead out your arms and legs so that you can be tied spread-eagle to the respective corners of the bed (by your friend j). Try to struggle to get free. When you have proven that you cannot get free, j is to slowly arouse you as she sees fit.

When you are sufficiently aroused she will gently kiss, suck and lick each nipple, and then slowly and gently place a clothespin on each one. The clothespin should NOT be placed to grab the tip of the nipple (that would be too painful for you) but instead farther back behind the nipple to grab aeorola (the darker circle of flesh that surrounds the nipple). This will spead out the clamping action of the clothespin to a pain level that is easier to tolerate.
Then j is to bite the tip off a strawberry, place the strawberry tip down on your body (it will be leaking strawberry juice) and trace it around your body as she sees fit. Then j is to lick the strawberry juice off your body. Then the same procedure with the chocolate syrup. Then another strawberry. Then another tracing of chocolate syrup...
When j has decided the time is right, (hopefully your orgasm - she did trace some strawberry juice and chocolate down there, didn't she?) she is to remove both clothespins from your nipples at the same time by gently squeezing them open and carefully removing them (being especially careful in the process of that her fingers don't slip and allow the clothespin to slam closed on your nipple again!). Then to slip her tongue in your mouth (it will taste of strawberry juice, chocolate syrup, and you) and french kiss you as she uses gentle to moderate pressure to pinch and twist your nipples (a little will go a long way, as your nipples will now be super-sensitive - but you'll sill be tied and unable to stop her if she does do it too hard - this will teach you trust in your partner).
---oh yas---
Before she unties you you will have to thank her for both the pain and the pleasure that she has just given you. And that you know you will have to do what ever she wishes you to do before she unties you - (remember, she has just worn out her tongue to make you happy, now it could be your turn to make her happy - You'll know it is if she smiles at you and straddles your face)....
---um hmmmmm---
As it's really impossible to lick all the strawberry juice and chocolate syrup completely off someone's body, you will need to wash up again after you and j are done. Use an old blanket to protect the bed.

Hey! i'm suposed to be the one writting this!

What did we do different? What'd we miss or you miss? Did i mention that the old blanket we used was blue?

i really wish i could devote all the time that these assignments deserve. They're all great and j and i have a ball doing them. We really do!

What can i say? Assignments done up to 3/8/98!

Thanks for all the input and keep it coming, please.

...and to that guy from down under...Two hours sitting on the bed tied up and thinking, right? Done too! Pics to follow ASAP....


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