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j's broken leg
The Recovery...
j is back!
Part two...

"You must get lonely sometimes and so do shevette and i." j paraphrased. We all laughed and finished our drinks so i got up to fill everyone's glasses again. j helped. In the kitchen j and i exchanged looks that told each of us that he was in.

Back in the front room i sat on the floor and motioned for Simon and j to join me. Both j and i had seen Simon a fair amout while she had been laid up with her broken leg and Simon had made a number of visits to see how j was doing or to tell her about the car he had to replace the one she had wrecked. After he had brought the car to her he had stopped by even more often to do little things to it to get it ready for her. j had seen a lot more of him than i had which may have been the reason why i had been a little reluctent to share a bed with him.

The evening progressed and i could see why she wanted him to come over like this. He was very nice, intellegent, and had a certain gentleness to him that made me feel very comfortable around him. Finally we explained to Simon how we did bondage. We had to have a little discussion about my collar and one about how j and i both have cyber-Masters and what that meant. We had mentioned it on the phone but we went into the details.

Without getting too detailed leave it say that we discussed bondage safety, safe words, negotiation, drinking and bondage, and all the things that keep bondage Safe Sane and Consensual.

This was all very nice and everyone was getting very nicely turned on but there had been no action yet. j beat me by miliseconds in getting out the handcuffs. We showed them to him. He had never held any before and we were relieved when he didn't have any tales to tell about getting arrested. We decided to give a demonstration on how they worked. i wanted j to demonstrate on me and she wanted me to demostrate on her. She's been tricky about stuff like this in the past and i've learned to watch out for her when we both want the same thing at the same time. i've learned to think before i act.

An idea hit me and i agreed to demonstrate on her. She got to be handcuffed first, but i got Simon to handcuff me! Giggle. That felt good. While j's touch had been nice before it felt really arousing to feel how a man positioned my wrists and tightened the steel around them. As an extra i even got a little hug from him. j had frowned at that but we both knew we'd get all the tying up we wanted from Simon. He was enjoying this as much as we were!

He had the same hang-up that most men have when they are new to doing bondage; he kept treating us like we were made of glass. That's nice, it shows sensitivety, but we had to break him into the idea that we liked a little rough treatment - sometimes. It takes a bit of getting used to. Partners need to find a balence. Even between j and me there is a fair amout of difference on simple things like how tight we like the handcuffs to be put on us. i like them to be tight to the point where they hurt a little (most of the time) whereas j just likes them snug.

All the handcuffs we have are loose enough that either of us can turn our wrists all the way around in them even when tightened to the end of the rachet part. In fact all our handcuffs will go to the end of the rachet except one pair. j got to wear those so i got out my chains and had Simon put them on me. If you do the tiny padlocks just right they can be made very tight. i carefully showed Simon just how to do it and he got it right on the other wrist. Ah, my hands chained tightly behind me - by a man!

Before things got too hectic i had Simon turn the air conditioner up and while he was at it he turned off most of the lights. The mood was thick with desire. i don't know who was more excited between the three of us.

Simon got j on the floor and roamed her body with his hands and his lips. i watched letting her enjoy it for as long as i could then i told Simon that it was time for him to pay some attention to me too. He asked me what i wanted him to do to me. i had liked what he had done with j but she was laying on the floor looking really frustrated so i decided to get him to do something different with me. First i had him chain my feet closely together this time with the chains a little bit loose. If they are too tight on the achelies tendon then i can't stand and there is a risk of injury. j was begging for attention when i had Simon stand me up and taught him how to hold me so i was even more helpless. Sweat had already popped out all over me even though the air conditioner was up high.

i told him tostand behind me and place one hand on the chain between my wrists and the other right above my collar. That way he could control me completely by using either his hand or thumb to dig into my throat just a bit to choke me into submission. i told him that i would struggle and he was suposed to make me let him put me on the couch - if he could.

i began my struggles and he held me tight. Our bodies touched and fire raced over me. i didn't know i was that turned on already. He let go of the chain at my wrists and grabbed me just below my br_asts to try to control me better. i could have just swooned in his arms. It felt so good to be held like that again. Playing the part i reached down with both hands and found his tender parts. The idea is to squeeze until he would have to do as i told him to do. i have used this before to make a Dom release me and turn the tables on him. That wasn't what i wanted to do the time before or that time either. i planed to just teach Simon a lesson on how to be a good (and wise) Dom. Instead the touch of him sent flames across my body. Yes, that was it! i had it in my hand! Big, round, hard, and thobbing! My body went weak and he pushed my hands away from his privates as my knees caved in and we both went for the floor. He made a comment about me being bad and that he was going back to play with j until i learned some manners. j told him to use the little bit of chain that was dangeling from my wrist to hog-tie me with. She even told him where to get yet anothe padlock to do it with. By the time he was through hog-tying me i had two chains, five padlocks, and Master Chris' collar on me and i had climaxed at least once.

Simon went to administer to j while i thought of Master Chris and climaxed again. Sweat dripped off of my nose and my clothes were soaked. My hair stuck to my face and tried to get into my mouth. i didn't care. Everything about me felt alive with fire. i just squirmed in my own little world bathing in the glory of it all. It was a long time before i even became aware of the room around me.

Simon had j undressed and the two of them were moaning and groaning to a cresendo of delight. i watched and squirmed as they reached lift-off. Suddenly the room got quiet except for thier laboured breathing and some appreciative moans as they basked in afterglow. After a bit Simon got off of her and she asked to be untied. He freed her but she didn't get dressed again.

They both approached me on hands and knees. i smiled.

"You ready to behave yourself shevette?" Sir Simon asked me.

"Yes Sir. Just touch me, please!" i begged nicely.

i was laying on my side and his hand grazed my hip. i felt fire renew itself inside me and squirmed mightily against the chains that held me.

"Oh, you are so sassy looking!" Sir Simon told me.

His hand gently stroked my arm and i jerked spasmotically. My eyes closed and my mouth opened as i moaned softly. i felt his lips brush gently on my br_ast and i licked my lips between moans. Fingers undid my blouse as i rolled around what little i could. i could feel j's fingers on my thighs, bless her. My blouse was pulled open and slid over my shoulders. My belly burned with passion.

"Someone please blindfold me!" i begged. "Please!"

i just couldn't bear to watch. Sir Simon and j both looked good above me. i just needed to be... where i couldn't see what they were doing.

"I'll get her a blindfold." j told Sir Simon.

"Do you have a gag too?" he asked her.

"Yes, I'll get that too."

i shut my eyes tightly and grimiced as i felt Sir Simon undo my jeans. He had them down to my hips by the time j returned to blindfold me. She used the same gag i had worn earlier, the one with the ring. i was reminded of it's intended purpose then my bra was pulled down and lips kissed my tips. Fire conected from my tummy to them and i moaned through the gag as j finished tightening it. A tongue played across my chest for a moment before i felt soft hands tugging at my jeans. j pulled them down all the way to my ancles. My panties followed shortly after.

i was completely exposed as i felt Sir Simon roll me fully onto my back. The position i was in felt painfully delightful. i was at the point where pain and pleasure mixed until both felt good. That's one of the beauties of bondage. Pain is easy to cause. If it can be caused when it feels good then that's icing on the cake. Just remember pain usually indicates impending injury so a delicate balence must be maintained.

Sir Simon straddled my upper torso and began rubbing himself between my globes as i felt j's hands on my upper, inner thighs. Bolts of fire raced through my body erupting on my skin as streams of ice tickled my spine. My body arched as heat consumed me. It felt so good that i ached. Emptiness overflowed in raw want. Just when i could stand it any longer Sir Simon shifted position and entered me. An orgasim rocked my body as he continued his stroking. j came around and sat where that opening in the ring of my gag did some real good. i tasted her juices. Both of them were on me hugging each other, i think. The blindfold allowed me to see it all in my mind's eye and it enthralled me in a rapture of wanting and fulfillment as i was washed over with countless waves of pleasure.

Finally it was over. i felt like a puddle on the carpet completely limp and very happy about it. The very next thing i remember is waking up contented, tied up, blindfolded, gagged, and on my bed just like j had left me.

Is this how we would be greeting Sir Simon from now on???

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