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Letter to Master Joe (clipped for brevity)

NOTE: What i said is in italics and what he said is in bold

i saw your add in the newsgroups and visited your page. Excellent page Master Joe! Your page is so good that i, lowly slave that i am, would like to put a link to it on my page at GeoCities. i'm hopping that you would give me a link back, BUT that is not a condition.

Thank you very much for your comments. It is comments such as yours that make all the work in keeping the site up well worth the effort. I viewed your site, and have included a link to it on my links page.


If i may be frank, i'd like to say that i am impressed with you. You come off as a genuine Master. This is good. Please forgive me for taking your time, but i just HAD to speak to you. i am not applying for the live-in-slave position (i wish i could though, you don't know how badly i want to *grunt - gritting teeth*), but i would like to start a dialog with you if you are interested.

Naturally I am open to communications with someone such as yourself. However you should not hold yourself back. If you would like to apply for the position, then you should. You never get anywhere in life without taking some chances. Besides, gritting your teeth is not good for you!


The goal of this dialog would be to find ways to present to the public the fact that bondage is a celibration of love and intimacy. i firmly believe that the world would be better off with more bondage.

And I believe that the world would be better off if all women were slaves. And discipline and corporal punishment were much more common.


Something along the lines of Master John Norman's GOR books. Not exactly like he describes, because he finally vacillated toward the end of the series. i'm sure he did this as pressure was applied from various groups. It's a shame. That's what i want to stop.

Ah, another Gor fan. I had included some links and references to Gor in my site, although I am not that much of a fan. I am aware of this, and had even purchased about half of this series. I read the first book, and after that, I couldn't get myself to pick up the next. I am not much of a reader, but from my experience so far of John Norman and his books, I had come to the conclusion that although he did have a very vivid imagination, he was not much of a writer. I had heard that his only reason for writing these books was to prove that anyone can get a book published.

You may be interested in knowing that there was a movie made based upon his 'Tarnsmen of Gor'. And it is available on video. I do have the video, and much like the books, it was somewhat entertaining, but nothing award winning.


If you are like me you don't know where the desire to practice bondage came from, you are just glad that you found it. i have struggled for years to understand why being tied up seems to satisfy something in me. Finally i came to the conclusion that i don't care. It's good and that's that!

I am sure that the practice of bondage is very old. Where it relates to sexual activity is probably not quite as old.


Ummmmm...... Would you please send a reply? It would be something that i would love to get. My stomach is churning right now and i am touching each key with respect because i am writting to a real Master.

I appreciate your confidence in me, and the fact that you recognize my position.


Oh! i almost forgot! You may want to visit my site, especially if you are considering the link i offered. i'm sure you wouldn't accept a link from any old site. i hope that mine pleases you.

Your site was interesting. You are a very accomplished artist. Your site did please me.


ps: i am not a "wanna bee".

That remains to be seen.


i can not offer myself to anyone on the net because of a bad experience.

Do you think you are the only one that has had a bad experience with meeting someone on the net? This shows some immaturity on your part shevette. You learn from your mistakes, so that the next time you will not make the same mistake. And if you do, you learn some more and you go on. You do not withdraw and hold yourself back from possibly finding someone of your dreams. Nothing in life is guaranteed. You take what you can and make the best of it. The world is a very big place. Nothing guarantees you that you will only find what you are looking for in your neighborhood. The net has opened up the whole world to you, as it has to everyone. To seek out others in other areas, to explore different cultures, and different ways of life. Just think of what you would have right now, if there wasn't an internet. You would be going through the same exact thing. Going out, dating, finding assholes, being used, not finding exactly what you want, getting more frustrated. Do you see yourself as an old maid? Are you just going to totally give up on men? Or are you one of those who thinks that you will find someone, then 'train' him to be a Master to you? You have got to face reality. You will have one bad experience after another, until you find the perfect mate. Just because you have had one bad experience, doesn't mean that all will be like that. You sound like you are just going to give up. That is not a very good attitude for a slave. The slave I select will be strong. She will not be a quitter, no matter how frustrated she gets. My slave will have many responsibilities to me. She must watch my diet and take care of me in many different ways. And I would be the first to admit that this will not be an easy job. But she must do it for my well being. And she will do it because she loves me, and wants to keep me around as her one and only true Master. She will become discouraged and very frustrated, but she will be strong enough to continue even through the frustrations and the punishments she would receive. I don't want a slave in service to me that will be a quitter. And I feel that any true Master would feel the same. So, don't be a quitter, don't give up, and don't limit yourself. Used your 'bad experience' to your benefit. Use that, your experience, and your new found knowledge to weed out all the 'wanna-bee' Masters, and continue on seeking your ideal mate. And yes, through the net if that is what it takes!


i CAN be a friend by email.

If I continued corresponding with everyone who wanted to be an e-mail friend to me, I wouldn't have much time left in the day to search for my slave, or correspond with those who are really serious about being in a D/s relationship.


i just wanted to state that so that i can be up front and honest from the start. If that does not meet with your standards then i understand.

I appreciate your honesty, but I still expect you to go back to my web site and complete my Slave Questionnaire and send it back to me. This is the best way to learn a bit more about you.

If all that I have told you doesn't change your mind about 'meeting' someone from the net, then I will understand. I will continue to exchange e-mail with you as time permits, however you must understand that I am seeking a mate, and someone to complete my life. My time will have to be dedicated to that first.

Master Joe

2nd letter to Master Joe

Greetings Master Joe;

You honor me muchly. i am very proud to has this correspondance with one like you.

Thank you very much for your comments. It is comments such as yours that make all the work in keeping the site up well worth the effort. I viewed your site, and have included a link to it on my links page.

Wow! You work fast! That is a very good trait! i will include a link to your site as quick as i can. i had planned to go home, but i guess i need to do some uploading to my site. Do you have an icon that you would like for me to use? If not, may i endevor to make one? What should it be? Something really glorious!

Naturally I am open to communications with someone such as yourself. However you should not hold yourself back. If you would like to apply for the position, then you should. You never get anywhere in life without taking some chances. Besides, gritting your teeth is not good for you!

Master has a sense of humor. Master is kind too!

And I believe that the world would be better off if all women were slaves. And discipline and corporal punishment were much more common.

Disipline and corporal punishment more common. Yes, exactly, Master! What good is it to send someone to prison to learn the trade of thief? The masses must pay to make a man or woman more corupt. It is a bad system Master.

All women slaves. i wonder. It is said that in all our hearts we are slaves to men. i can see that Master. Still Master i must wonder. It seems to frequently turn out wrong when individules are judged by the "group" they are in.

Ah, another Gor fan. I had included some links and references to Gor in my site, although I am not that much of a fan. I am aware of this, and had even purchased about half of this series. I read the first book, and after that, I couldn't get myself to pick up the next. I am not much of a reader, but from my experience so far of John Norman and his books, I had come to the conclusion that although he did have a very vivid imagination, he was not much of a writer. I had heard that his only reason for writing these books was to prove that anyone can get a book published.

i had not heard that Master. His work was primative in some ways and in parts even boring. He frequently stopped in the middle of a story to go on and on about why all women should be slaves. Master, if he had said it just once it would have carried much more weight. What i liked most about Master John Norman was his ability to give detail. He put a lot of thought into his works, Master, and that is something that is always appreciated, by me. Of course, i liked the bondage. His books were the first that i ever read that had bondage end to end, Master. That was very pleasant for me. The detail was such that i could live the part. Something that i crave muchly Master.

You may be interested in knowing that there was a movie made based upon his 'Tarnsmen of Gor'. And it is available on video. I do have the video, and much like the books, it was somewhat entertaining, but nothing award winning.

i heard of the movie, Master. i avoided it. i was afraid that the passion and depth of the books would die on the cutting room floor. i could not chance that, besides i am a good reader with natural speed-reading abilities. Master, when i read i am aware only of the story. i see the events, not the pages.

I am sure that the practice of bondage is very old. Where it relates to sexual activity is probably not quite as old.

i have wondered about that Master. i read in a book on traditions where the wedding ring has it's origins in bondage. Something about the ring on the finger used to represent the bands frequently placed around the bride's wrists after she was abducted from her father's house. (Where was i when all this was happening?!)

I appreciate your confidence in me, and the fact that you recognize my position.

Oh yes i do Master! Your add was like so many others, but with a sincerity all it's own. i still had my doubts as i copied the address and pasted it into my browser, but Master when i got to your site i was muchly impressed by your up front attitude. No backing down from what you wanted at all. That is the true sign of a Master. He can not only Master me but himself as well. That is who i see in you Master and it is so very refreshing!

Your site was interesting. You are a very accomplished artist. Your site did please me.

Thank you again Master. A slave is very happy Master.

ps: i am not a "wanna bee".

That remains to be seen.

Let me rephrase that Master. i want to be a slave very very much. i know that being a slave is what i am. "i want to be" a slave, no doubt about that at all Master. What i meant was, i am not someone who is vacillating on the subject or someone who just wants to "try" it for awhile. i want a life-long comitment or something to comit my life to. By giving of myself completely Master i figure i will recieve - completely!

"i can not offer myself to you or anyone on the net. i don't believe in doing that because of a bad experience."

Do you think you are the only one that has had a bad experience with meeting someone on the net? This shows some immaturity on your part shevette.

Yes Master. *head bowed*

You learn from your mistakes, so that the next time you will not make the same mistake. And if you do, you learn some more and you go on. You do not withdraw and hold yourself back from possibly finding someone of your dreams. Nothing in life is guaranteed. You take what you can and make the best of it. The world is a very big place. Nothing guarantees you that you will only find what you are looking for in your neighborhood. The net has opened up the whole world to you, as it has to everyone. To seek out others in other areas, to explore different cultures, and different ways of life. Just think of what you would have right now, if there wasn't an internet. You would be going through the same exact thing. Going out, dating, finding assholes, being used, not finding exactly what you want, getting more frustrated. Do you see yourself as an old maid?

No Master.

Are you just going to totally give up on men?

No Master. Not at all master.

Or are you one of those who thinks that you will find someone, then 'train' him to be a Master to you?

Oh no master!

You have got to face reality. You will have one bad experience after another, until you find the perfect mate. Just because you have had one bad experience, doesn't mean that all will be like that. You sound like you are just going to give up. That is not a very good attitude for a slave.

Yes Master.

The slave I select will be strong. She will not be a quitter, no matter how frustrated she gets. My slave will have many responsibilities to me. She must watch my diet and take care of me in many different ways. And I would be the first to admit that this will not be an easy job. But she must do it for my well being. And she will do it because she loves me, and wants to keep me around as her one and only true Master. She will become discouraged and very frustrated, but she will be strong enough to continue even through the frustrations and the punishments she would receive. I don't want a slave in service to me that will be a quitter.

Yes Master.

And I feel that any true Master would feel the same.

Yes Master.

So, don't be a quitter, don't give up, and don't limit yourself. Used your 'bad experience' to your benefit. Use that, your experience, and your new found knowledge to weed out all the 'wanna-bee' Masters, and continue on seeking your ideal mate. And yes, through the net if that is what it takes!

Yes master. i had thought that i had come to a conclusion on this mater. i must think on this Master, i WILL think on this Master.

"i CAN be a friend by email and that is all that i can be."

"If I continued corresponding with everyone who wanted to be an e-mail friend to me, I wouldn't have much time left in the day to search for my slave, or correspond with those who are really serious about being in a D/s relationship."

Yes Master.

"i just wanted to state that so that i can be up front and honest from the start. If that does not meet with your standards then i understand."

I appreciate your honesty, but I still expect you to go back to my web site and complete my Slave Questionnaire and send it back to me. This is the best way to learn a bit more about you.

Yes Master. i will do as you comand Master.

"If all that I have told you doesn't change your mind about 'meeting'someone from the net, then I will understand. I will continue to exchange e-mail with you as time permits, however you must understand that I am seeking a mate, and someone to complete my life. My time will have to be dedicated to that first."

Yes master Joe. i understand Master Joe.

Master Joe

Thank you Master Joe. i thank you very much Master Joe for writting me and sending a gift and linking me on your site - and giving good advice - and sharing your wit and wisdom.

i will start immediately making you a link back with a very nice icon master Joe. i will visit your site again and fill out your questionaire Master Joe. i will try to change my attitude reguarding meeting a Master on the net. i will try very hard Master Joe.

Grateful kisses

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